State Youth Welfare Office

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The country's youth offices are in the structure of youth services through local in Germany youth welfare. The state youth welfare offices can be located in the state as a department of the ministry responsible for youth or the corresponding senate administration (e.g. Berlin). In North Rhine-Westphalia it is an authority of the landscape associations . The state youth welfare offices are united in the federal work group for state youth welfare offices. The SGB ​​VIII mentions them as "supra-local carriers" and does not use the term of the state youth welfare office. The term " youth welfare office " is generally not used linguistically for state youth welfare offices, but only for youth welfare offices at the municipal (Berlin: district) level.

State tasks, for which the state youth welfare office would actually be responsible, can also be delegated to certain institutions. So is z. B. in Bavaria the Bavarian Youth Ring (BJR) as a corporation under public law with corresponding tasks (e.g. the financial support of youth work from the funds of the youth program of the Bavarian state government). This results in a special legal relationship between the youth ring and the state. a. reflected in the legal supervision of the Bavarian Ministry of Culture over the BJR.


The tasks of state youth welfare offices (referred to as supra-local agencies) result from Section 85 (2) SGB ​​VIII (child and youth welfare) and are regulated there in detail. These include:

  1. advising the local organizations and developing recommendations for fulfilling the tasks under Book VIII of the Social Code - child and youth welfare -
  2. the promotion of cooperation between the local providers of free youth welfare , in particular in the planning and ensuring a needs-based range of support for upbringing and support for young adults
  3. the suggestion and promotion of facilities, services and events as well as their creation and operation, insofar as they exceed local needs; This includes in particular institutions that offer school or vocational training, as well as youth training centers
  4. the planning, suggestion, promotion and implementation of model projects for the further development of youth welfare
  5. advising local providers on granting assistance in accordance with sections 32 to 35 a, in particular when selecting an institution or placing a carer in difficult individual cases
  6. the performance of the tasks for the protection of children and young people in institutions (§§ 45 to 48a)
  7. advising the owners of facilities during planning and operational management
  8. the training of employees in youth welfare
  9. the granting of benefits to Germans abroad (Section 6 (3)), unless the issue is the continuation of a service already granted in Germany
  10. the granting of permission to take over guardianship , guardianship or assistance by an association with legal capacity (Section 54)

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