Langdysse 3 by Nørre Vallenderød

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The Langdysse 3 Nørre Vallenderød is one of four megaliths in place. It is located on Tølløsevej, southwest of Nørre Vallenderød, near Tølløse on the Danish island of Zealand . The dolmen dates from the Neolithic around 3500–2800 BC. And is a megalithic system of the funnel beaker culture (TBK).

The east-west oriented megalithic bed of the Langdysse is about 2.0 m high and measures 10 × 9 m. It has two chambers.

The eastern one is a pentagonal polygonal pole with four bearing stones and a threshold stone in the south. The capstone is 1.7 m above the hill. The internal dimensions are approximately 1.6 × 1.6 m.

The other chamber is about 2.0 m to the west. It is elongated, with two supporting stones in the east and two in the west, a low stone is in the north (possibly a threshold stone). The internal dimensions are 1.7 × 0.8 m. The capstone is 1.5 m above the hill. The terrain slopes down a bit to the north.

Nearby are the long dyssey of Mineslyst and the round dysse of Ubberup .

See also


  • Karsten Kjer Michaelsen: Politikens bog om Danmarks oldtid (= Politikens håndbøger. ). Politiken, Copenhagen 2002, ISBN 87-567-6458-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. Langdysse is the name commonly used in Denmark for dolmens that lie in a barren bed . In contrast, dolmens in a round hill are called round dysse.

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