Lars Mlekusch

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Lars Mlekusch (born October 31, 1978 in Baden , Switzerland) is a conductor, saxophonist , university professor and cultural manager.


From 2005 to 2017 he taught as a university professor at the Music and Art University Vienna (formerly Conservatory Vienna Private University) and since 2015 he has taught saxophone, chamber music and contemporary music at the Zurich University of the Arts.

As a conductor he appears in renowned houses such as the Musikverein Wien, Wiener Konzerthaus, the National Concert Hall Taipei, the Cité de la Musique Strasbourg or the Casa da Musica in Porto. He works with ensembles and orchestras such as the Georgian Chamber Orchestra Ingolstadt, Orquesta Sinfonica Nacional de Cuba, MIT Ensemble Taiwan, Vienna Saxophonic Orchestra, zürich saxophone collective, Cantus Ansambl Zagreb, Sond'Ar-te Ensemble Porto or with the Ensemble PHACE from Vienna. He conducted the Ensemble PHACE in the Wiener Konzerthaus, at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Festival Wien Modern and in Beijing at the International Composition Workshop. At the impuls academy in Graz he appears both as a saxophone lecturer and as a conductor.

During his almost 20 years of active concert activity as a saxophonist, he also premiered numerous works written for him and recorded various CDs for KAIROS, PHACE and for the Zeitklang edition. He is regularly invited as a guest lecturer at renowned educational institutions (Conservatoire de Paris CNSMDP, Conservatorium van Amsterdam, New England Conservatory Boston, Manhattan School of Music, Eastman School of Music, Royal College of Music London, Northwestern University Chicago, McGill University Montreal, Conservatorio G . Verdi Milano, University of Music Cologne and many others) and teaches at international master classes (e.g. European Saxophone University Gap, impuls academy Graz, Arosa Music Academy).

As a juror he was invited to the most important competitions for saxophone (Adolphe Sax Competition in Dinant, Londeix Competition in Bangkok, Nova Gorica, Nochta Competition in Zagreb and others) as well as at the world's most valuable chamber music competition, the M-Prize Int. Chamber Arts Competition USA as well as at the German Music Competition in Bonn.

Lars Mlekusch is the founder and artistic director of the Vienna International Saxfest and the Zurich International Saxfest. He studied saxophone with Marcus Weiss in Basel and with Frederick L. Hemke in Chicago and privately with Claude Delangle and Arno Bornkamp. He studied conducting with Arturo Tamayo and received further impulses from Peter Eötvös and Emilio Pomarico.

In 2006 he was diagnosed with focal dystonia in the right hand and in 2010 in the insertion muscles. Mlekusch had to severely limit his active concert activities as a saxophonist from 2016.

Lars Mlekusch lived in Vienna from 2005 to 2016 and since then in Zurich .

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