Laser Focus World

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Laser Focus World

description Trade journal
Area of ​​Expertise Lasers, photonics
language English
publishing company Pennwell (USA)
First edition 1965
Frequency of publication per month
Editor-in-chief Steve Anderson
Web link

Laser Focus World (short: LFW) is one of the world's first specialist magazines on lasers and photonics . It has been published monthly since 1965 with an annual buyers guide.

According to the BPA worldwide auditing, the number of registered and qualified subscribers is over 70,000. With annual qualifications, subscribers receive the magazine free of charge. The financing is mainly done with advertisements. The readership is divided into about 45% development, 25% research and 25% remaining functions. Two thirds of the readers work in industry.

Younger sister magazines in Pennwell-Verlag are Industrial Laser Solutions (laser technology in industrial material processing), BioOptics World ( biophotonics ) and OptoIQ (optical components).

Individual evidence

  1. entry at Intute (Engl.)
  2. Media data: Circulation (English; PDF; 419 kB)

Web links