Laceration ectropion

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Classification according to ICD-10
N86 Erosion and ectropion of the cervix uteri
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

The Lazerationsektropium (from latin laceratio "rupture", Greek  ἐκτρέπω "contact outwardly" [ektrépō]), an unusually strong protrusion of the cervix or cervix lips, is formed by scar healing of a snag of the cervix during childbirth (Emmetsche cracks).

Consequences of a laceration sectropion can be:


The therapy is the Emmetsche plastic with excision of the cervical mucosa and plastic formation of a new cervix.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Günter Strauss; Eckhard Petri . Practical gynecology: for studies, clinics and practice . Walter de Gruyter; January 1, 1992. ISBN 978-3-11-084488-7 . p. 71-.
  2. Willibald Pschyrembel. Practical gynecology: for students and doctors . Walter de Gruyter; 1968. ISBN 978-3-11-150424-7 . p. 63-.