Services for trainees

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The term benefits for trainees includes grants according to § 27 SGB ​​II, which trainees in the sense of § 7 para. 5 SGB II can apply for. These benefits are expressly not considered to be unemployment benefit II (Section 27 (1) SGB II). The local job center is responsible .

The benefits for trainees were introduced on January 1, 2007, as practice showed that many trainees had to drop out of their training because they could not cover the costs of accommodation from the amounts taken into account in BAB and BAföG . With the ninth law amending the second book of the social security code , the subsidy for the costs of accommodation and heating was abolished and this group of people was given direct access to subsistence benefits instead; This eliminates the rather complicated and error-prone calculation of the rent subsidy. The regulations for assuming rental debts for trainees have been deleted without replacement.

Additional requirements

According to Section 27 (2) SGB II, trainees are entitled to the following benefits:

  • Additional needs during pregnancy (Section 21 (2) SGB II)
  • Additional needs for single parents (Section 21 (3) SGB II)
  • Additional need for necessary health food (Section 21 (5) SGB II)
  • Other ongoing, unavoidable additional needs not covered by the standard rate (Section 21 (6) SGB II)
  • Initial equipment for clothing, pregnancy and childbirth (Section 24 Paragraph 3 No. 2 SGB II)

Benefits in case of hardship

If the exclusion of trainees from Unemployment Benefit II means particular hardship (e.g. because a student is about to graduate and would have to finish his studies without the benefits), Unemployment Benefit II, including contributions to health and long-term care insurance, according to § 27 Paragraph 3 SGB II can be granted as a loan.

Individual evidence

  1. German Bundestag, printed matter 16/1410 (PDF)