List of WCC member churches in the Pacific

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The list of WCC member churches in the Pacific includes the members of the World Council of Churches , sorted by the state in which they are headquartered. The member churches in Australia and New Zealand belong to the WCC Asia region for historical reasons.

Headquarters (State) church Church family Number of members
Cook Islands Cook Islands Christian Church Reformed churches 18,000
Fiji Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma Methodist churches 212,860
French Polynesia Evangelical Church of the Maòhi Reformed churches 130,000
Kiribati Union Church of Kiribati Reformed churches 40,000
Marshall Islands United Congregational Church of Christ in the Marshall Islands Reformed churches 40,225
New Caledonia Evangelical Church in New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands Reformed churches 70,000
Niue Congregational Christian Church of Niue Reformed churches ?
Papua New Guinea Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea Lutheran churches 900,000
Papua New Guinea United Church in Papua New Guinea United and Uniting Churches 600,000
Solomon Islands Church of Melanesia Anglican churches 200,000
Solomon Islands United Church in the Solomon Islands United and Uniting Churches 50,000
Samoa Congregational Christian Church in Samoa Reformed churches 70,000
Samoa Methodist Church in Samoa Methodist churches 35,983
American Samoa Congregational Christian Church in American Samoa Reformed churches 39,000
Tonga Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga Methodist churches 38,692
Tuvalu Christian Church on Tuvalu Reformed churches 9,715
Vanuatu Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu Reformed churches 78,000

Web links

  • World Council of Churches: Pacific