List of ground monuments in Gelsenkirchen

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Monument plaque North Rhine-Westphalia 2010.svg

The list of ground monuments in Gelsenkirchen contains the monuments in the urban area of Gelsenkirchen in North Rhine-Westphalia that are entered in Part B of the monument list of the city of Gelsenkirchen (as of July 2020). The basis for the inclusion of the ground monuments is the Monument Protection Act North Rhine-Westphalia (DSchG NRW).

image designation location description construction time Registered
Soil monument house mountains Buer
Adenauerallee 103
Underground remains of a medieval aristocratic residence with farm buildings and ancillary buildings as well as the original moat in the vicinity of the successor building built on the main island in the 18th century and the current architectural monument Haus Berge. First mentioned in 1264 when it was built by Gerlach von Strünkede. March 21, 1990 B 5

Uhlenbrock House Ground Monument Buer
Bergmannsglückstrasse / Mühlenstrasse. 124 / Uhlenbrockstrasse
Headquarters of the Uhlenbrock family. First mention of the family in 1252. Several changes of ownership. Rectangular two-island system in the original cadastre. Three-wing complex on the main castle, three-sided buildings on the outer castle. Remains of the buildings and enclosures preserved underground, as well as small finds. 01/21/1994 B 7

Floor monument Haus Oberfeldingen Hassel
Eppmannsweg 98
Late medieval aristocratic residence on a trapezoidal island. Rectangular enclosure, approx. 65 × 100 m with a grave arm extending to the east, length approx. 55 m as well as northern upstream embankment. First mentioned in 1412 as a fiefdom of the Werden abbey. In the following years noble owners. Remains of medieval buildings and the buildings listed in the original cadastre from 1822 have been preserved underground on the island. 09/25/1989 B 4

Grimberg Castle ground monument Bismarck
Built in the first quarter of the 14th century as "castrum zur Ah" on the border with Vest Recklinghausen. 1328 chapel occupied. Conversions. Construction of a two-wing complex with a corner tower from 1540-1578. Composition consisting of upper castle, lower castle, outer castle with chapel, cemetery and settlement as well as garden islands. Reconstruction at the beginning of the 18th century by JC Schlaun. Decline and demolition in the 20th century. Foundations and wall remains (partially visible above ground), enclosures, chapel, house floor plans, burials are preserved underground. 09/22/1995 B 8

Former church of St. Urbanus with church square (ground monument) Buer
Hochstr. 37a (Urbanus church square)
Former Church of St. Urbanus with church square. The remains of several previous buildings of today's church are preserved underground (remains of foundations, floors, graves, epitaphs, small finds). First mentioned in 1147; Romanesque stone sculptures from this church probably found in 1890. New building from 1514 (inscription on the southwest side of the former church). Three-aisled hall construction with polygonal choir, west tower with stair tower and sacristy on the north side. Fire and renovation in 1688. Demolished in 1890. Church square enclosed around the church; remains of burials underground here. 10/20/1992 B 6

Medieval aristocratic residence of the Leithe House Neustadt
Junkerweg / Mietherweg
The medieval aristocratic residence Haus Leithe is the ancestral seat of the Knights of Leithe and was first mentioned in 1366. It is a well-fortified, fenced-in system to secure the border between the county of Mark and the Essen territory. The 16th century manor house, remains of the silted up enclosure and modern buildings have been preserved above ground. The previous development of the manor house and farm buildings, remnants of the manor house in the basement and the enclosure and the chapel on the garden island, small finds such as ceramics and organic remains are preserved underground. December 4, 2018 B 9

House Lüttinghof floor monument Hassel
Lüttinghofallee 3
Late medieval moat system, consisting in its core of three islands, which are surrounded by moats of different widths (water-bearing). The relatively small rectangular main island (location of the manor house) is encompassed in the west and north by an L-shaped outer bailey (location of the farm buildings). To the east is the undeveloped area of ​​the former castle garden, which is now used as a meadow. 02/04/1987 B 2

Floor monument Haus Leythe Erle
Middelicher Str. 72
Leythe House, a late medieval courtyard. A 75 m long and 6-8 m wide (partially filled) section of the moat northwest of today's courtyard complex has been preserved above ground. The northern border of the castle moat is marked by a land ledge. The surface structure of the area north of the motorway reveals part of the former mill pond (now arable land). (On the hill to the west of it was the park of the aristocratic residence.) Other parts of the castle complex are only preserved underground today. 10/17/1984 B 1

Ground monument of Hors Castle Horst
Turfstrasse 21st
Castle complex from the 16th century with previous buildings. First mentioned in 1282. The northwest and parts of the northeast wing as well as z. T. filled, circumferential moats. Underground foundations of the south-east and south-west wing of the Renaissance building as well as foundations and other parts of the previous buildings are preserved. The ground monument also includes the outer bailey, which is also surrounded to the west of the castle, with a church building from the 17th century that has been preserved underground, and the farm buildings belonging to the castle. The archaeological monument to the north of the castle also includes the freedom that was laid out in the 13th century. The remains of the residential buildings of the people who depend on the castle are to be expected underground on the now undeveloped areas. In the undeveloped area north of Schmalhorststraße, remains of the church from 1753, which was demolished in 1902, and parts of the fortification of the freedom, consisting of a ditch with a possible inner wall, are preserved underground. 09/25/1989 B 3

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