List of the kings of Akšak

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The kings of Akšak (around 2500 - around 2350 BC)

  • Zuzu (around 2500)
  • Lagaš Interregnum (around 2480)
  • Unzi, 30 years
  • Undalulu (around 2450), 6 or 12 years old
  • Great-great 6 years
  • Puzur-Niraḫ 20 years
  • Išu-Il 24 years
  • Šu-Sîn (around 2360), 7 or 24 years
  • Išu-Il 24 years
  • Gimil-Sîn 7 years, last king of Akšak.

around 2370 BC The city of Akšak falls to the kingdom of Akkad

Individual evidence

  1. Time in Myth and History: Chronography in the Orient from Antiquity to the Present . LIT Verlag, Münster 2009, ISBN 978-3-8258-1576-9 , pp. 17 ( ).
  2. Real Lexicon of Assyriology and Near Eastern Archeology . tape 1 : A paste . W. de Gruyter, 1993, ISBN 3-11-004451-X , p. 140 .
  3. Texts from the environment of the Old Testament. Volume 1, p. 292 (restricted view ).
  4. Babylonia and Assyria. Part 1.
  5. ^ Albert Champdor, Maximilian Wolf: Art of Mesopotamia. Seemann 1964, p. 100 (restricted view ).
  6. a b c d e f g Albert Champdor, Maximilian Wolf: Art of Mesopotamia. Seemann 1964, p. 100 ( restricted view ).
  7. a b Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL): Sumerian King List (en)
  8. ^ Neil Zimmerer: The Chronology of Genesis: A Complete History of the Nefilim. P. 21.
  9. Report by Leonard Woolley (scroll down), but only king's name without further details