List of nuclear power plants in South Korea

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List of nuclear power plants in South Korea (source: IAEA, as of February 2019)
Surname block
Reactor type model status Net
in MW
in MW
start of building First network
Switching off
in in TWh
Kori / Shin-Kori 1 DWR WH 60 Shut down 576 607 1972-08-01 08/01/1972 1977-06-26 06/26/1977 1978-04-29 04/29/1978 2017-06-17 06/17/2017 146.24
2 DWR WH F In operation 640 681 1977-12-23 December 23, 1977 1983-04-22 04/22/1983 1983-07-25 07/25/1983 - 158.60
3 DWR WH F In operation 1.011 1,043 1979-10-01 10/01/1979 1985-01-22 01/22/1985 1985-09-30 09/30/1985 - 228.81
4th DWR WH F In operation 1.012 1,044 1980-04-01 04/01/1980 1985-12-31 December 31, 1985 1986-04-29 04/29/1986 - 228.38
Shin-1 DWR OPR-1000 In operation 997 1,044 2006-06-16 06/16/2006 2010-08-04 08/04/2010 2011-02-28 02/28/2011 - 42.02
Shin-2 DWR OPR-1000 In operation 997 1,046 2007-06-05 06/05/2007 2012-01-28 01/28/2012 2012-07-20 07/20/2012 - 31.30
Shin-3 DWR APR-1400 In operation 1,416 1,455 2008-10-16 10/16/2008 2016-01-15 January 15, 2016 2016-12-20 December 20, 2016 - 2.85
Shin-4 DWR APR-1400 In operation 1,340 1,400 2009-08-19 08/19/2009 2019-04-22 04/22/2019 2019-08-29 08/29/2019 - -
Shin-5 DWR APR-1400 Under construction since 2017 1,340 1,455 2017-04-01 04/01/2017 - - - -
Shin-6 DWR APR-1400 Under construction since 2018 1,340 1,400 2018-09-20 09/20/2018 - - - -
Hanbit 1 DWR WH F In operation 996 1,035 1981-06-04 06/04/1981 1986-05-03 05.03.1986 1986-08-25 08/25/1986 - 220.28
2 DWR WH F In operation 988 1,026 1981-12-01 December 01, 1981 1986-11-11 11/11/1986 1987-06-10 06/10/1987 - 207.01
3 DWR OPR-1000 In operation 986 1,047 1989-12-23 December 23, 1989 1994-10-30 10/30/1994 1995-03-31 March 31, 1995 - 162.64
4th DWR OPR-1000 In operation 970 1,022 1990-06-26 06/26/1990 1995-07-18 07/18/1995 1996-01-01 01/01/1996 - 162.68
5 DWR OPR-1000 In operation 994 1,052 1997-06-29 06/29/1997 2001-12-19 12/19/2001 2002-05-21 05/21/2002 - 112.47
6th DWR OPR-1000 In operation 993 1,050 1997-11-20 11/20/1997 2002-09-16 09/16/2002 2002-12-24 12/24/2002 - 109.62
Hanul / Shin-Hanul 1 DWR France CPI In operation 968 1.008 1983-01-26 01/26/1983 1988-04-07 04/07/1988 1988-09-10 09/10/1988 - 202.09
2 DWR France CPI In operation 969 1.012 1983-07-05 07/05/1983 1989-04-14 04/14/1989 1989-09-30 09/30/1989 - 198.70
3 DWR OPR-1000 In operation 997 1,049 1993-07-21 07/21/1993 1998-06-01 01/06/1998 1998-08-11 08/11/1998 - 139.90
4th DWR OPR-1000 In operation 999 1,053 1993-11-01 11/01/1993 1998-12-28 12/28/1998 1999-12-31 December 31, 1999 - 124.81
5 DWR OPR-1000 In operation 998 1,052 1999-10-01 10/01/1999 2003-12-18 12/18/2003 2004-07-29 07/29/2004 - 100.00
6th DWR OPR-1000 In operation 997 1,050 2000-09-29 09/29/2000 2005-01-07 07/01/2005 2005-04-22 04/22/2005 - 94.68
Shin-1 DWR APR-1400 Under construction since 2012 1,340 1,400 2012-07-10 07/10/2012 - - - -
Shin-2 DWR APR-1400 Under construction since 2013 1,340 1,400 2013-06-19 06/19/2013 - - - -
Wolsong / Shin-Wolsong 1 PHWR CANDU-6 Shut down 661 682 1977-10-30 10/30/1977 1982-12-31 December 31, 1982 1983-04-22 04/22/1983 June 20, 2018 137.93
2 PHWR CANDU-6 In operation 632 671 1992-09-25 09/25/1992 1997-04-01 04/01/1997 1997-07-01 07/01/1997 - 107.13
3 PHWR CANDU-6 In operation 648 675 1994-03-17 03/17/1994 1998-03-25 03/25/1998 1998-07-01 07/01/1998 - 103.15
4th PHWR CANDU-6 In operation 634 675 1994-07-22 07/22/1994 1999-05-21 05/21/1999 1999-10-01 10/01/1999 - 98.15
Shin-1 DWR OPR-1000 In operation 997 1,045 2007-11-20 11/20/2007 2012-01-27 01/27/2012 2012-07-31 July 31, 2012 - 30.48
Shin-2 DWR OPR-1000 In operation 993 1,045 2008-09-23 09/23/2008 2015-02-26 02/26/2015 2015-07-24 07/24/2015 - 12.39

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Korea, Republic of. IAEA , accessed February 9, 2019 .