List of natural monuments in Bad Schönborn

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Natural monuments number
FND 4th
total 5

The list of natural monuments in Bad Schönborn names the prescribed natural monuments (ND) of the municipality of Bad Schönborn in the Baden-Württemberg district of Karlsruhe . In Bad Schönborn there are a total of five objects protected as natural monuments, four of which are areal natural monuments (FND) and one single structure natural monument (END).

As of October 31, 2016.

Areal natural monuments (FND)

Surname image Identifier

details position Area
Mountain meadow BW 82151000004

Bad Schönborn
3.1 1989-02-22
Hessel gravel pit BW 82151000003

Bad Schönborn
0.7 1986-12-01
Meager meadow parish forest BW 82151000005

Bad Schönborn
4.6 1989-02-22
Posidonia slate wall BW 82151000001

Bad Schönborn
0.3 1987-03-09
Legend for natural monument

Single structure (END)

Surname image Identifier

details position Area
Forest pearling on the board BW 82151000006

Bad Schönborn
0.0 1987-12-09
Legend for natural monument

Web links