List of natural monuments in Otterberg

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The list of natural monuments in Otterberg names the natural monuments designated in the municipality of Otterberg (as of March 30, 2013).

No. designation location description image
ND-7335-243 Kestebäumchen Otterberg, Alleestraße
Aesculus hippocastanum
ND-7335-244 Wine fountain Weinbrunnerhof
unmounted source
ND-7335-245 Ellenbachweiher northeast of the Drehenthalerhof
extensive natural monument; Pond
ND-7335-246 Steinkaut Otterberg, above the L 382
Bird nest

Individual evidence

  1. Nature Conservation Administration Rhineland-Palatinate: Landscape Information System of the Nature Conservation Administration Rhineland-Palatinate ; accessed on March 30, 2013