List of stumbling blocks in Magdeburg-Cracau

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The list of the stumbling blocks in Magdeburg-Cracau contains the stumbling blocks in the Magdeburg district Cracau reminiscent of the fate of people who were murdered during the Nazi deported, expelled or driven to suicide. It is sorted by surname and lists names and locations. The table records a total of 53 stumbling blocks and is partially sortable; the basic sorting is done alphabetically according to the family name.

image inscription Surname place Laying date Remarks
Adler, Karl Ernst Erich Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Adler_Karl_Ernst_Erich.PDF
Ahrent, Albert Fritz Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Arent_Albert_Fritz.PDF
Arendt (Arndt), Martha Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Arend_Martha.PDF
Bähr, Franz Otto Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Bähr_Franz_Otto.PDF
Berger, Berta Charlotte Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Berger_Berta_Charlotte.PDF
Blochmann, Elfriede Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Blochmann_Elfriede.PDF
Bormann, Elfriede Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Bormann_Elfriede_Berta_Klara.PDF
Cooper, Martha Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Böttcher_Magdalena_Elsbeth_Martha.PDF
Brewer, Carl Richard B. Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Brauer_Carl_Richard.PDF
Braun, Franz Adolf Wilhelm Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Braun_Franz_Adolf_Wilhelm.PDF
Brown, Else Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Braune_Magda_Else.PDF
Bunk, Ursula Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Bunk_Ursula_Martha.PDF
Cechini, Franziska Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Cechine_Franziska.PDF
Eilfeld, Walter Emil Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Eilfeld_Walter_Emil.PDF
Elsner, Otto Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Elsner_Otto.PDF
Fey, Hermann Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Fey_Hermann.PDF
Franz, Richard Bruno Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Franz_Richard_Bruno.PDF
Fricke, Erich Emil Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Fricke_Erich_Emil.PDF
Gerloff, Lucie Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Gerloff_Anna_Elisabeth_Lucie.PDF
Gössner, Friedrich Carl Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Gössner_Friedrich_Carl.PDF
Gurschke, Günter Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Gurschke_Günter_Adolf_Heinrich.PDF
Good word, August Hermann Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Gutewort_August_Hermann.PDF
Hartkopf, Ida Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Hartkopf_Friederike_Charlotte_Ida.PDF
House of Bethany Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Disabled_aus_dem_Haus_Bethanien.PDF
Helsinger, Joachim Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Helsinger_Joachim_Rolf.PDF
Hesse, Guido H. Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Hesse_Guido.PDF
Heyer, Hans-Joachim Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Heyer_Hans_Joachim_Rudolf.PDF
Himburg, Gerda Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Himburg_Gerda_Erna.PDF
Wooden houses, Georg Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Holzhäuser_Emil_Günther_Paul_Georg.PDF
Hüttepohl, Otto Karl Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Hüttepohl_Otto_Karl.PDF
Käsemadel, Marie b. Judge Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Käsemadel_Dorothea_Marie.PDF
Wedge, Ernst Willy Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Keil_Ernst_Willy.PDF
Kunze, Bernhard Karl Emil Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Kunze_Bernhard_Karl_Emil.PDF
Dear, Horst Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Liebig_Horst_Kurt_Otto.PDF
Liesenberg, Lina Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Liesenberg_Lina.PDF
Litte, Friedrich Otto Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Litte_Friedrich_Otto.PDF
Möser, Pankraz Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Möser_Pankraz.PDF
Moser, Richard Rudolf Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Moser_Richard_Rudolf.PDF
Müller, Friedrich Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Müller_Friedrich.PDF
Nowag, Gerhard Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Nowag_Gerhard.PDF
Pfeiffer foundations Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Disabled_Frauen_und_Kinder_Pfeiffersche_Stiftungen_Magdeburg.PDF
Burbot, Bernhard Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Quappe_Richard_Bernhard.PDF
Querndt, Johanna Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Querndt_Johanna_Berta_Anna.PDF
Quickly, Erich Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Rasch_Erich.PDF
Reppel, Heinrich Hans Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Reppel_Heinrich_Hans.PDF
Robold, Paul Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Robold_Paul.PDF
Rulff, Emil Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Rulff_Emil.PDF
Sack, Karl Hermann Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Sack_Karl_Hermann.PDF
Arbitration, August Walter Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Schiedung_August_Walter.PDF
Schulze, Gerda Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Schulze_Sidonie_Gerda.PDF
Ullrich, Alfred Pfeiffer Foundations Magdeburg, House Bethanien, Pfeifferstrasse 3-7
Biography: Ullrich_Alfred.PDF
Ulrich, Elfriede Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Ulrich_Elfriede_Ida.PDF
Wartenberg, Friedrich Pfeiffer Foundation Magdeburg, House Johannesstift, Pfeifferstraße 10
Biography: Wartenberg_Gustav_Heinrich_Friedrich.PDF

Individual evidence

  1. Relocated stumbling blocks . City of Magdeburg. Retrieved July 22, 2019.