List of therophyte-rich pioneer vegetation (with the exception of the immediate coastal area) in Germany

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The list of Therophytenreichen pioneer vegetation (except for the immediate coastal area) in Germany was the Red List of Threatened Plants companies in Germany (Rennwald 2000) removed, all occurring in Germany plant communities contains. Only the plant formation III = therophyte- rich pioneer vegetation (with the exception of the immediate coastal area) was taken into account. This formation has four classes :

The list has been divided into these classes.

For each plant society a picture, its order , its association , its synsystematic rank, its German name, its scientific name and its degree of endangerment (column: G) is given in one column each.


Degree of risk:

  • 0 = extinct or lost
  • 1 = Critically Endangered
  • 2 = Endangered
  • 3 = endangered
  • G = risk to be assumed
  • R = extremely rare
  • V = Decreasing, type of warning list
  • * = currently not endangered
  • D = Insufficient data on distribution and exposure

The plant communities in this list should only be linked to articles about the entire respective plant society, not to individual representatives of the plant society.

Chickweed arable weed communities

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
Grain and root crop weed communities (more alkaline


ORD Grain and root crop weed communities (more alkaline


Secalietalia Br.-Bl. 1936
Grain and root crop weed communities (more alkaline


Speedwell Sun Wolf Milk Societies VRB Speedwell Sun Wolf Milk Societies Veronico-Euphorbion Sissingh ex Passarge 1964
Grain and root crop weed communities (more alkaline


Speedwell Sun Wolf Milk Societies ASS Ringelkraut Society Mercurialetum annuae Kruseman et Vlieger 1939 *
Grain and root crop weed communities (more alkaline


Speedwell Sun Wolf Milk Societies ASS Hellerkraut-Erdrauch-Gesellschaft Thlaspio-Fumarietum officinalis Görs in Oberd. et al. 1967 ex Passarge et Jurko 1975 V
Grain and root crop weed communities (more alkaline


Speedwell Sun Wolf Milk Societies ASS Garlic Society Geranio-Allietum vinealis Tx. ex von Rochow 1951 2
Grain and root crop weed communities (more alkaline


Sticky cones companies VRB Sticky cones companies Caucalidion platycarpi Tx. ex von Rochow 1951
Grain and root crop weed communities (more alkaline


Sticky cones companies ASS Sticky Cones Society Caucalido dortcoidis-Scandicetum pecten-veneris Tx. 1937 2
Grain and root crop weed communities (more alkaline


Sticky cones companies ASS Carnation Society Euphorbio exiguae-Melandrietum noctiflori G. Müller 1964 3
Grain and root crop weed communities (more alkaline


Sticky cones companies ASS Celestial Society Kickxietum spuriae Kruseman et Vlieger 1939 2
Grain and root crop weed communities (more alkaline


Sticky cones companies ASS Adonis Ribbon Flower Society Adonido-Iberidetum amarae (Allorge 1922) Tx. 1950 nom. invalid. D.
Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) ORD Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) Aperetalia spicae-venti J. Tx. et R. Tx. in Malato-Beliz et al. 1960
Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) VRB Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) Aphanion arvensis J. Tx. et R. Tx. in Malato-Beliz et al. 1960
Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) ASS Lamb Salad Society Sclerantho-Arnoseridetum minimae Tx. 1937 2
Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) ASS Sand Poppy Society Papaveretum argemones Kruseman et Vlieger 1939 2
Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) ASS Farmer's coat camomile society Aphano-Matricarietum chamomillae Tx. 1937 nom. mutat. propos. 3
Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) ASS Honeygrass Hollow-tooth Society Holco-Galeopsietum Hilbig 1967 3
Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) ASS Yellow-toothed field ball society Galeopsis segetum-Scleranthus annuus Society 1
Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) Finger millet and millet societies VRB Finger millet and millet societies Panico-Setarion Sissingh in Westhoff et al. 1946
Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) Finger millet and millet societies ASS Wildflower Society Spergulo-Chrysanthemetum segetum Br.-Bl. et De Leeuw ex Tx. 1937 3
Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) Finger millet and millet societies ASS Millet Buttonwort Society Setario-Galinsogetum parviflorae Tx. 1950 nom. invalid. *
Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) Finger millet and millet societies ASS Threadmass Society Digitarietum ischaemi Tx. 1950 nom. invalid. et nom. mutat. propos. *
Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) Root crop weed communities in acidic soils VRB Root crop weed communities in acidic soils Spergulo-Oxalidion Görs in Oberd. et al. 1967 nom. invalid.
Windhalm companies (acidic soil locations) Root crop weed communities in acidic soils ASS Goosefoot Sorrel Society Chenopodio-Oxalidetum fontanae Sissingh 1950 nom. conserv. propos. 3
Leinacker companies ORD Leinacker companies Lolio remoti-Linetalia J. Tx. et R. Tx. in Lohmeyer et al. 1962
Leinacker companies Leinacker companies VRB Leinacker companies Lolio remoti-Linion Tx. 1950 nom. invalid.
Leinacker companies Leinacker companies ASS Leinlolch Society Sileno linicolae-Linetum Tx. ex Oberd. 1957 0
Love grass root crop weed societies ORD Love grass root crop weed societies Eragrostietalia J. Tx. ex Poli 1966
Love grass root crop weed societies Love grass root crop weed societies VRB Love grass root crop weed societies Eragrostion minoris Tx. in Slavnic 1944
Love grass root crop weed societies Love grass root crop weed societies ASS Fingergrass Love Grass Society Digitario-Eragrostietum Tx. ex von Rochow 1951 *

Raiding societies

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
Raiding societies ORD Raiding societies Sisymbrietalia J. Tx. ex Görs 1966 nom. conserv. propos.
Raiding societies Raiding societies VRB Raiding societies Sisymbrion officinalis Tx. et al. ex von Rochow 1951 nom. conserv. propos.
Raiding societies Raiding societies ASS Wegrauken basal society Sisymbrion officinalis basal society *
Raiding societies Raiding societies ASS Mouse Barley Society Hordeetum murini Libbert 1932 *
Raiding societies Raiding societies ASS Nettle and Mallow Society Hyoscyamo nigri-Malvetum neglectae Aichinger 1933 3
Raiding societies Raiding societies ASS Society of the Stinking Goosefoot Malvo neglectae-Chenopodietum vulvariae Gutte 1966 1
Raiding societies Raiding societies ASS Little Mallow Society Malvetum pusillae Morariu 1943 3
Raiding societies Raiding societies ASS Compass Cos Society Erigeronto-Lactucetum serriolae Lohmeyer in Oberd. 1957 *
Raiding societies Raiding societies ASS Sophienrauken Society Sisymbrietum sophiae Kreh 1935 *
Raiding societies Raiding societies ASS Striped Goosefoot Society Chenopodietum stricti (Oberd. 1957) Passarge 1964 *
Raiding societies Raiding societies ASS Gloss Report Society Sisymbrio-Atriplicetum nitentis Oberd. ex Mahn and R. Schubert 1962 *
Raiding societies Raiding societies ASS Society of Long-Leaved Melde Sisymbrio-Atriplicetum oblongifoliae Oberd. 1957 *
Raiding societies Raiding societies ASS Harshweed Balmengesellschaft Sisymbrio-Asperuginetum Rebholz 1931 2
Raiding societies Raiding societies ASS Hedgehog Seed Strawberry Spinach Society Lappulo deflexae-Chenopodietum foliosi Bernátová 1986 -
Raiding societies Raiding societies ASS Tatar Registration Society Cynodonto-Atriplicetum tataricae Morariu 1943 *
Raiding societies South-Central European Goosefoot Societies VRB South-Central European Goosefoot Societies Chenopodion muralis Br.-Bl. 1931
Raiding societies South-Central European Goosefoot Societies ASS Wall goose foot society Chenopodietum muralis Br.-Bl. et Maire 1924 -
Raiding societies Ukrainian salt herb societies VRB Ukrainian salt herb societies Salsolion ruthenicae Philippi 1971
Raiding societies Ukrainian salt herb societies ASS Ukraines salt herb basal society Salsolion ruthenicae - basal society *
Raiding societies Ukrainian salt herb societies ASS Narrow-winged Bug Seed Society Bromo tectorum-Corispermetum leptopteri Sissingh et Westhoff ex Sissingh 1950 corr. Dengler


Raiding societies Ukrainian salt herb societies ASS Sand Plantain Society Plantagini indicae-Senecionetum viscosi Eliá □ 1986 *
Raiding societies Ukrainian salt herb societies ASS Society of the thick-blooded Radmelde Kochietum densiflorae Gutte et Klotz 1985 *

Two-tooth societies

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
ASS Basal society of the two-tooth societies Bidentetea tripartitae - basal society *
Two-tooth societies ORD Two-tooth societies Bidentetalia tripartitae Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Klika et Hadac 1944
Two-tooth societies Two-tooth societies VRB Two-tooth societies Bidention tripartitae Nordhagen 1940
Two-tooth societies Two-tooth societies ASS Two-tooth basal society Bidention tripartitae-basal society *
Two-tooth societies Two-tooth societies ASS Two-Toothed Water Pepper Society Bidenti-Polygonetum hydropiperis Lohmeyer in Tx. 1950 nom. invalid. *
Two-tooth societies Two-tooth societies ASS Society of the nodding two-tooth Bidentetum cernuae (Kobendza 1948) Slavnic 1951 D.
Two-tooth societies Two-tooth societies ASS Society of the Red and Yellow Foxtail Rumici-Alopecuretum aequalis Cîrtu 1972 *
Two-tooth societies Two-tooth societies ASS Poison Buttercup Society Bidenti-Ranunculetum scelerati (Miljan 1933) Tx. 1978 *
Two-tooth societies Two-tooth societies ASS Strandampfer Society Rumicetum maritimi Sissingh ex Tx. 1950 nom. invalid. *
Two-tooth societies Two-tooth societies ASS Marsh Sorrel Society Rumicetum palustris (Timár 1950) W. Fischer 1978 V
Two-tooth societies Two-tooth societies ASS Bog rice herb society Senecionetum tubicaulis Burrichter 1970 *
Two-tooth societies Greylag riverside societies VRB Greylag riverside societies Chenopodion glauci Hejný 1974
Two-tooth societies Greylag riverside societies ASS Gray goose foot basal society Chenopodion glauci basal society *
Two-tooth societies Greylag riverside societies ASS Society of the Red Goosefoot Chenopodietum rubri Timár 1947 V
Two-tooth societies Greylag riverside societies ASS River Knotweed Society Chenopodio rubri-Polygonetum brittingeri Lohmeyer 1950 V
Two-tooth societies Greylag riverside societies ASS Pointed burdock society Xanthio albini-Chenopodietum rubri Lohmeyer et Walther in Lohmeyer 1950 *
Two-tooth societies Greylag riverside societies ASS Marshcress Deer Jump Society Rorippo-Corrigioletum littoralis Malcuit 1929 3

Dwarf rush societies

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
ASS Dwarf rush basal society Isoëto-Nanojuncetea Basal Society *
Central and Eastern European dwarf rush societies ORD Central and Eastern European dwarf rush societies Nanocyperetalia Klika 1935
Central and Eastern European dwarf rush societies ASS Marsh Meadow Society Peplis portula society V
Central and Eastern European dwarf rush societies Dwarf rush communities of the pond bottoms and river banks VRB Dwarf rush communities of the pond bottoms and river banks Elatino-Eleocharition ovatae (Pietsch et Müller-Stoll 1968) Pietsch 1973
Central and Eastern European dwarf rush societies Dwarf rush communities of the pond bottoms and river banks ASS Society of the Brown Sedge Cyperus fuscus society V
Central and Eastern European dwarf rush societies Dwarf rush communities of the pond bottoms and river banks ASS Company of the three-man and the water-pepper barrel Elatine triandra-Elatine hydropiper society 2
Central and Eastern European dwarf rush societies Dwarf rush communities of the pond bottoms and river banks ASS Zypergrasseggen-Eisumpfbinsen Society Eleocharito-Caricetum bohemicae Klika 1935 2
Central and Eastern European dwarf rush societies Dwarf rush communities of the pond bottoms and river banks ASS Sedge Grass Muddy Society Cypero fusci-Limoselletum aquaticae (Oberd. 1957) Korneck 1960 3
Central and Eastern European dwarf rush societies Dwarf rush communities of the pond bottoms and river banks ASS Whiskers-Sandbinsen Society Elatino alsinastri-Juncetum tenageiae Libbert ex Fischer 1973 2
Central and Eastern European dwarf rush societies Dwarf rush societies of the still waters banks VRB Dwarf rush societies of the still waters banks Radiolion linoidis (Rivas-Goday 1961) Pietsch 1973
Central and Eastern European dwarf rush societies Dwarf rush societies of the still waters banks ASS Thread Gentian Society Cicendietum filiformis Allorge 1922 2
Central and Eastern European dwarf rush societies Dwarf rush societies of the still waters banks ASS Chyweed Cartilage Society Spergulario-Illecebretum verticillati (Diémont et al. 1940) Sissingh 1957 2
Central and Eastern European dwarf rush societies Dwarf rush societies of the still waters banks ASS Toad Rush Gypsum Society Junco bufonii-Gypsophiletum muralis (Ambroz 1939) Pietsch 1996 3
Central and Eastern European dwarf rush societies Dwarf rush societies of the still waters banks ASS Kleinling Hornmoos Society Centunculo-Anthocerotetum punctati Koch ex Libbert 1932 2
Central and Eastern European dwarf rush societies Dwarf rush societies of the still waters banks ASS Common Blossom Rush Society Stellario uliginosae-Isolepidetum setaceae Libbert 1932 3
Central and Eastern European dwarf rush societies Dwarf rush societies of the still waters banks ASS Yellowish Zypergrass Society Cyperetum flavescentis W. Koch 1926 2
Central and Eastern European dwarf rush societies Dwarf rush societies of the still waters banks ASS Hyssop loosestrife wet fallow society Veronico anagalloides-Lythretum hyssopifoliae Wagner ex Holzner 1973 -
Central and Eastern European dwarf rush societies Dwarf rush societies of the still waters banks ASS Centaury Bitterling Society Centaurium pulchellum Blackstonia acuminata Society 3

Individual evidence

  1. Red List of Plant Associations pdf Accessed on September 17, 2018
  2. Red List of Plant Associations bfn.Retrieved September 17, 2018
  3. Risk criteria Accessed on September 17, 2018