List of winter storms in the United States according to the Northeast Snowfall Impact Scale

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This list of winter storms in the United States on the Northeast Snowfall Impact Scale identifies the winter storms in the United States that have been rated on the Northeast Snowfall Impact Scale (NESIS). This scale is used to classify winter storms in the northeastern United States . The scale was developed by meteorologists Paul Kocin and Louis Uccellini. It ranges from category 1 (“notable”) to category 5 (“extreme”). Only two blizzards , the 1993 Storm of the Century and the 1996 North American Blizzard, are classified as Category 5 "extreme" events. In contrast to the Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale and the Fujita scale , which are used to classify tropical cyclones or tornadoes , NESIS takes into account the number of inhabitants of a region who are affected by the storm. This scale is therefore intended to evaluate past storms and is not very suitable for use in weather forecasts.

List of events

The multi-color satellite image of the eastern United States shows a large, expansive surm.  The storm with the typical comma shape stretches from the Canadian Maritime Provinces to Central America.
Satellite image of the 1993 Storm of the Century , the highest rated winter storm in North America according to NESIS
The illustration shows deep snow and snow drifts between two town houses.
Snowdrifts from the 1996 North American blizzard
Only in the area of ​​the rear door and the fender is visible blue car under a long, man-high snowdrift.  Houses can be seen in the background.
A car almost completely buried in snow during the January 2016 blizzard in the United States
A 19th century weather map shows an extensive storm area in New England.
Surface weather map of the
Great Blizzard of 1888 on March 12th
A light-colored house stands on a slope in the middle of deep snow.  Wheel tracks can be seen on the lower right edge of the picture.
2007 North America blizzard snowfall in Vermont

There are sometimes two different NESIS values ​​for past storms, on the one hand the values ​​calculated by Paul Kocin and Louis Uccellini, which they calculated in 2004 for their work A Snowfall Impact Scale Derived From Northeast Storm Snowfall Distributions , and on the other hand those based on other data and Methodologies deviating values ​​that the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) calculated in 2005 for storms that Kocin / Uccellini had not taken into account. Kocin / Uccellini originally considered NESIS values ​​for 70 storms from the period between 1888 and 2003. The NCDC determined NESIS values ​​for 30 of these storms and storms after 2003.

The following list shows the values ​​and ratings of Kocin / Uccellini for storms prior to 2005, while ratings from the NCDC are used from 2005 onwards. If calculated by the NCDC, their index values ​​are also given for storms before 2005.

date Original NESIS NCDC-NESIS category classification
March 11-14, 1888 08.34 - 4th Crippling
February 11-14, 1899 08.11 - 4th Crippling
January 27-28, 1922 03.63 - 2 Significant
December 26-27, 1947 03.50 - 2 Significant
February 16-17, 1952 02.17 - 1 Notable
March 16-17, 1956 02.93 - 2 Significant
March 18-19, 1956 02.23 01.87 1 Notable
3rd to 5th December 1957 01.32 - 1 Notable
February 14-17, 1958 05.98 06.25 3 major
March 18-21, 1958 03.92 03.51 2 Significant
March 12-13, 1959 03.64 - 2 Significant
February 14-15, 1960 04.17 - 3 major
March 2-5, 1960 07.63 08.77 4th Crippling
December 11-13, 1960 04.47 04.53 3 major
January 18-21, 1961 03.47 - 2 Significant
February 2-5, 1961 06.24 07.06 4th Crippling
December 23-25, 1961 01.37 - 1 Notable
February 14-15, 1962 01.59 - 1 Notable
March 6-7, 1962 02.76 - 2 Significant
December 22-23, 1963 03.17 - 2 Significant
January 11-14, 1964 05.74 06.91 3 major
February 19-20, 1964 02.39 - 1 Notable
January 16-17, 1965 01.95 - 1 Notable
22nd to 23rd 1966 04.45 - 3 major
January 29th to 31st, 1966 05.19 05.93 3 major
December 23-25, 1966 03.79 03.81 2 Significant
February 5-7, 1967 03.82 03.50 2 Significant
March 21-22, 1967 01.20 - 2 Significant
February 8-10, 1969 03.34 03.51 2 Significant
February 22-28, 1969 04.01 04.29 3 major
December 25-27, 1969 05.19 06.29 3 major
December 31, 1970 to January 1, 1971 02.10 - 1 Notable
March 3-5, 1971 03.73 - 2 Significant
November 25-27, 1971 02.33 - 1 Notable
February 18-20, 1972 04.19 04.77 3 major
January 16-18, 1978 04.10 - 3 major
January 19-21, 1978 05.90 06.53 3 major
February 5-7, 1978 06.25 05.78 4th Crippling
February 17-19, 1979 04.42 04.77 3 major
January 13-15, 1982 03.08 - 2 Significant
April 6-7, 1982 03.75 03.35 2 Significant
February 10-12, 1983 06.28 06.25 4th Crippling
March 8th to 9th, 1984 01.29 - 1 Notable
March 28-29, 1984 01.86 - 1 Notable
January 1-2, 1987 02.26 - 1 Notable
January 21-23, 1987 04.93 05.40 3 major
January 25-26, 1987 01.70 01.19 1 Notable
February 22-23, 1987 01.46 01.46 1 Notable
January 7th to 8th, 1988 04.85 - 3 major
December 26-27, 1990 01.56 - 1 Notable
December 10-12, 1990 03.10 - 2 Significant
March 12-14, 1993 12.52 13.20 5 Extremes
3rd to 5th January 1994 02.87 - 2 Significant
February 8-12, 1994 04.81 05.39 3 major
March 2-4, 1994 03.46 - 2 Significant
February 2-4, 1995 03.51 01.43 2 Significant
December 19-20, 1995 03.32 - 2 Significant
January 6-8, 1996 11.54 11.78 5 Extremes
February 2-4, 1996 02.03 - 1 Notable
February 16-17, 1996 01.65 - 1 Notable
March 31 to April 1, 1997 02.37 02.29 1 Notable
March 14-15, 1999 02.20 - 1 Notable
January 24-26, 2000 03.14 02.52 2 Significant
December 30th to 31st 02.48 02.37 1 Notable
March 3-5, 2001 03.53 - 2 Significant
December 4-5, 2002 01.99 - 1 Notable
December 24-25, 2002 04.42 - 3 major
3rd to 4th January 2003 02.65 - 2 Significant
March 6-7, February 2003 01.18 - 1 Notable
February 15-18, 2003 08.91 07.50 4th Crippling
January 21-24, 2005 - 6.80 4th Crippling
February 12-13, 2006 - 04.10 3 major
February 12-15, 2007 - 05.63 3 major
March 15-18, 2007 - 02.54 2 Significant
March 1-3, 2009 - 01.59 1 Notable
December 18-21, 2009 - 03.99 2 Significant
February 4th to 7th, 2010 - 04.38 3 major
February 9-11, 2010 - 04.10 3 major
February 25-27, 2010 - 05.46 3 major
December 26-27, 2010 - 04.92 3 major
January 9-13, 2011 - 05.31 3 major
January 26-27, 2011 - 02.17 1 Notable
February 1st to 3rd, 2011 - 05.30 3 major
October 28-30, 2011 - 01.75 1 Notable
February 7-10, 2013 - 04.35 3 major
March 4-9, 2013 - 03.05 2 Significant
December 13-16, 2013 - 02.95 2 Significant
December 30, 2013 to January 3, 2014 - 03.31 2 Significant
January 20-22, 2014 - 01.26 1 Notable
January 29 to February 4, 2014 - 04.08 3 major
February 11-14, 2014 - 05.28 3 major
November 26-28, 2014 - 01.56 1 Notable
December 9-14, 2014 - 01.49 1 Notable
January 25-28, 2015 - 02.62 2 Significant
January 29th to February 3rd, 2015 - 05.42 3 major
February 8-11, 2015 - 01.32 1 Notable
January 22nd to 24th, 2016 - 07.66 4th Crippling
March 12-15, 2017 - 05.03 3 major
3rd to 5th January 2018 - 02.27 1 Notable
March 1st to 3rd, 2018 - 01.65 1 Notable
March 5th to 8th, 2018 - 03.45 2 Significant
March 11-15, 2018 - 03.16 2 Significant
March 20-22, 2018 - 01.63 1 Notable

See also

supporting documents

  1. ^ Staff Writer: Scientists devise new scale to rate snowstorms , The Reading Eagle . February 1, 2006. Retrieved March 1, 2010. 
  2. The Northeast Snowfall Impact Scale (NESIS) ( English ) National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). Archived from the original on January 5, 2011. Retrieved January 8, 2018.
  3. Kocin and Uccellini, pp. 269-270


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