List of listed objects in Hlohová

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The basis of this list of listed objects in Hlohová is the ÚSKP list ( Ústřední seznam kulturních památek České republiky , German  Central List of Cultural Monuments of the Czech Republic ), which has been kept by the Czech Monument Protection Authority NPÚ ( Národní památkový ústav . ) Since 1987 , German  National Monument Authority and follows on from the lists created since 1850.

Listed objects according to districts


location object description ÚSKP no. image
Hlohová 44, 1.5 km west of the village on the Zubřina
( location )
Pasecký Mlýn watermill with a chapel 12590 / 4-4880 Info catalog

( location )
Church of St. Aegidius 31528 / 4-2066 Info catalog

Church of St.  Aegidius

Web links

Commons : Listed objects in Hlohová  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files