List of listed buildings in Piechowice

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This list of listed objects in Piechowice (Powiat Jeleniogórski) in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship is based on the lists of the Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa (NID) (National Cultural Heritage Institute in Poland), see List of immovable monuments, entered in the register of monuments . The following information does not replace the legally binding information from the monument authority.

Listed objects in the town of Piechowice

The listed objects in the city of Piechowice (Petersdorf) in the powiat Jeleniogórski (Hirschberg district) are listed according to the Polish list of monuments according to the districts.

Piechowice (Petersdorf)

location object description NID no. image
Piechowice, ul.Boczna 17

( Location )

House House (18th / 19th century) 592098
Piechowice, ul.Wczasowa 6

( Location )

pension Pension "Uroczysko", formerly the sanatorium "Wilhelmshöhe" (1890) 592100
Piechowice, ul.Kolejowa

( Location )

Water tower Railway water tower (1909) 592101
Water tower

Pakoszów (Wernersdorf)

location object description NID no. image
Piechowice, ul.Zamkowa 3 (Pakoszów)

( Location )

Pakoszów Palace (Wernersdorf) Wernersdorf Castle (17th and 19th centuries) - material entity, together with nos. 592103 and 592104 592102
Piechowice (Pakoszów)

( Location )

592102 Pakoszów Palace (17th and 19th centuries) belongs to no.592102 592103
Piechowice (Pakoszów)

( Location )

park Park, belongs to no.592102 592104

Piastów (Kaiserswaldau)

location object description NID no. image
Piechowice (Piastów)

( Location )

Branch church “Corpus Christi” Kaiserswaldau Roman Catholic Filial church "Corpus Christi" Piastów (14th, 16th and 19th centuries) - factual entity, together with nos. 592106 to 592108 592105
Branch church “Corpus Christi” Kaiserswaldau
Piechowice (Piastów)

( Location )

Affiliate church "Corpus Christi" Roman Catholic Filial church "Corpus Christi" (2nd half of the 14th century, 15th and 16th century), belongs to no. 592105 592106
Piechowice (Piastów)

( Location )

graveyard Cemetery (2nd half of the 19th century), belongs to no.592105 592107
Piechowice (Piastów)

( Location )

Enclosure with gate ogrodzenie z bramą, belongs to No. 592105 592108

Web links

Commons : Cultural monuments in Piechowice  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Lower Silesia Monument List (Polish) (accessed on November 18, 2016)
  2. Pałac Pakoszów (Polish) (accessed November 18, 2016)
  3. ^ Wernersdorf - a family chronicle (accessed on November 18, 2016)