List of stochastic processes

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The value of the following list lies in the classification of the processes in the various categories of processes. In addition, a comprehensive overview of the stochastic differential equations (SDGL) of the various processes and, if possible, their solutions should be created. The details are in the main articles of the respective processes.

List of stochastic processes .

Markov trials

Markov processes fulfill the Markov property. The Markov processes include a. the affine processes and the Itō processes.

Affine processes

Affine processes include a. the Lévy processes (including the Wiener process and the Poisson process), as well as some Itō processes such as B. the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and the root diffusion process.

Lévy trials

Lévy processes are processes with independent and stationary increments. The Lévy processes include a. the Poisson processes.

Gamma process

The gamma process is a pure jump Lévy process with a measure of intensity

Variance gamma process

Poisson processes
Compound Poisson process
Inhomogeneous Poisson process

The intensity is time-dependent

Spatial Poisson process

The intensity is time and (vector) space dependent

Cox trial

The intensity is a random variable.

Itō trials

Itō process


Generalized Wiener process / Generalized Brownian motion

The generalized Wiener process is both Gauss and Ito processes.


Simple form


Standard Wiener process / Standard Brownian motion


Other Itō trials

Geometric Brownian motion


Ornstein-Uhlenbeck trial


Root diffusion process / CIR process


Bessel process


Gaussian processes

is a Gaussian process, if is is given by an n-dimensional normal distribution.

The Gaussian processes include a. the Gauss-Itō processes (e.g. the Wiener process), the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, the Brownian bridge, and the fractional Brownian motion.

Fractional Brownian Movement

Gauss-Markov trials

Gauss-Markow processes have both the Markov property and the property of Gaussian processes.

Brownian bridge

The Brownian Bridge is a Gauss-Markov process, i. H. a Gaussian process with the Markov property.

Feller trials

A Feller process is a Markov process with the Feller transition function that belongs to a Feller semigroup. The Feller processes include a. the Lévy processes, the Bessel process, and the SDGL solutions with Lipschitz continuous coefficients.