List of tectonic units of China

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This is a list of tectonic units of China. The following translations of the Chinese terms try to follow the Chinese terms as closely as possible:

unit Chinese name translation
Altai 阿尔泰 褶皱 系 Altai fold system
Ergun 额 尔古纳 褶皱 系 Ergun folding system
Gandisé-Nyainqéntanglha 冈底斯 - 念青唐古拉 褶皱 系 Gandisé-Nyainqéntanglha fold system
Himalayas 喜马拉雅 褶皱 系 Himalayan fold system
Inner Mongolia-Great Hinggan 内蒙古 - 大兴安岭 褶皱 Inner Mongolia-Great Hinggan fold system
Jilin Heilongjiang 吉 黑 褶皱 系 Jilin Heilongjiang fold system
Junggar (Dsungar) 准噶尔 褶皱 系 Junggar fold system (Djungarian fold system)
Karakoram Tanggula 喀喇昆仑 唐 古拉 褶皱 系 Karakoram Tanggula Fold System
Nadanhada 那 丹哈达 优 地 槽 褶皱 系 Nadanhada eugeosynclinal fold system
North China (Sino-Korea) 华北 准 地 台 ( 中朝 准 地 台 ) North China Paraplatform (Sino-Korean Paraplatform)
Upper Heilongjiang 上 黑龙江 冒 地 槽 褶皱 带 Upper Heilongjiang miogeosynclinal fold system
East Kunlun 东 昆仑 山 褶皱 系 East Kunlun fold system
Qilian 祁連 褶皱 系 Qilian fold system
Qinling 秦岭 褶皱 系 Qinling fold system
Sanjiang 三江 褶皱 系 Sanjiang fold system
Songpan-Garzé 松潘 一 甘孜 褶皱 系 Songpan-Garzé fold system
South china 华南 褶皱 系 South China fold system
South China Sea 南海 地 台 South China Sea Platform
Southeast coast 东南 沿海 褶皱 系 Southeast coast fold system
Taiwan 台湾 褶皱 系 Taiwan folding system
Tarim 塔里木 地 台 Tarim platform
Tianshan 天山 褶皱 系 Tianshan fold system
West Kunlun 西昆仑 褶皱 系 West Kunlun fold system
Yanbian 延边 褶皱 系 Yanbian fold system
Yangzi 扬子 准 地 台 Yangzi Paraplatform

See also



  1. Rivers Nu Jiang 怒江 (Saluen), Lancang Jiang 澜沧江 (Mekong) and Jinsha Jiang 金沙江 (Yangtze)

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