Lithuanian surnames

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The Lithuanian family names widespread today have gradually established themselves in the Lithuanian- speaking area since the 16th and 17th centuries .

Male family names

Male surnames have the endings -as, -is, -us, -ys as well as -a (e.g., Cvirka ) or -ė (pvz., Kaladė, Lapė ).


Female family names

Married women get the suffix and ending -ienė ( Adamkienė ) or just ending -ė ( Zvonkė , Bunkė ) for the man's name .

The family names of the unmarried women have suffixes and the ending -aitė, -ytė, -utė, -iūtė ( Putinaitė , Meilutytė , Butkutė, Žiliūtė ).

Origin from other language areas

Slavic origin

Numerous Lithuanian surnames are of Slavic origin, examples: Burkovskis , Dobryninas , Kralikas, etc.

Germanic origin

Some Lithuanian surnames are of Germanic origin, examples: Bluvšteinas , Landsbergis , Berkmanas , Geringas , etc.

Web links

Article about the story