Local Internet Registry
A Local Internet Registry ( LIR ) is an organization to which one or more blocks of public IP addresses or AS numbers have been allocated by a Regional Internet Registry (RIR) and which thus mostly serves its end customers. Most LIRs are Internet service providers , companies or academic institutions that either use the IP address blocks assigned by the RIR themselves and / or assign them to third parties.
Membership in an RIR is a prerequisite for becoming an LIR.
Situation in Germany
There are 3533 LIRs offering services in Germany.
Situation in Austria and Switzerland
In smaller countries such as Austria or Switzerland, under "extra large", "large" and "medium" you will find mostly national telephony companies and international providers.
Individual evidence
- ↑ ARIN Number Resource Policy Manual: Local Internet Registry (LIR) . Retrieved May 20, 2011., English
- ↑ Local Internet Registries offering service in Germany. RIPE, accessed July 23, 2019 .
- ↑ Local Internet Registries offering service in Austria . Retrieved July 1, 2011.
- ↑ Local Internet Registries offering service in Switzerland . Retrieved July 1, 2011.