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Locat (or Lokat ) was a name in use since the Middle Ages for a sub- schoolmaster or the schoolmaster's assistant . The locat was not only responsible for teaching , but also for reading votive masses or private fairs . The name is derived from the Latin locare (to rent), as originally the schoolmaster was obliged to employ other teachers required for the lessons at his own expense.


  • Upper Lusatian documents from 1437–1457 (Codex Diplomaticus Lusatiae Superioris 4), ed. by Richard Jecht, Görlitz 1911–27, p. 389, note 4.
  • The Osterwieck town book from 1353 [until 1533]. Appendix: Osterwieck and the surrounding area related documents from the year 1262 to 1558, ed. by Julis Grote, Osterwieck 1850, p. 27.
  • German dictionary by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm, 16 vols. [In 32 partial volumes], Leipzig 1854–1960, volume 15, column 1967 f., Article: Schulsack.