Lucius Seius Strabo

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Lucius Seius Strabo (* 1st century BC, probably in Volsinii novi, today Bolsena ; † 1st century AD) was a Roman knight who rose to the highest state offices under the emperors Augustus and Tiberius , that were possible for his stand.

Seius Strabo was married to Cosconia Gallitta and had at least two sons, Lucius Tubero Seius , Suffektkonsul in 18, and Sejanus , that of Aelius Gallus adopted was (hence the change of name of Seius in Sejanus ).

Seius Strabo became praefectus praetorio (Praetorian prefect), first alone, then in the year 14 together with his son Seianus. 14-15 he was praefectus Aegypti (governor of Egypt ).


  • Mireille Corbier: La famille de Séjan à Volsinii. La dédicace des Seii, curatores aquae. In: Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité. Volume 95, No. 2, 1983, pp. 719-756 ( online ).
predecessor Office successor
Aemilius Rectus Prefect of the Roman Province of Egypt
AD 15
Gaius Galerius