Toy library

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A Ludothekar met in a toy library similar tasks as a librarian in a library : It informs interested, buy and cataloged games and toys and take care of borrowing and returning, including compliance with the borrowing hours.

Furthermore, toy libraries are able to plan and carry out media work and game events. They mostly work in toy libraries, but more often also in libraries. Many toy libraries have acquired their knowledge and skills autodidactically, mostly in small play groups, some of them receive a one-year training course.

In Switzerland , training lasting several days can be completed over a year. This is not federally recognized, but the Association of Swiss Toy Libraries (VSL) issues a confirmation of participation. Toy libraries often work on a voluntary basis . The Swiss Paraplegic Association considers the training or further education of paraplegics to become toy libraries to be possible, but limits that this is "usually only possible with the reservation of individually adapted working conditions".

In Austria , apparently limited to Styria , there is a diploma course in toy library offered by the Ludovio association. The course comprises 130 seminar units, 30 hours in a toy library and a thesis. In this course, topics such as "philosophy of play" and history of the game are also on the program.

In France , the holder of the practical bachelor's degree in trade, toy library option, is entitled to work as head or deputy head of a toy library, but also as a "game agent", toy library or game supervisor.

Individual evidence

  1. Ludothekar / in at
  2. ^ Ludothekar / in on
  3. Ludothekar / in on
  4. Swiss Paraplegic Association, Professions in Wheelchairs , on ( Memento of the original from February 15, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. Ludothekarin / Ludothekar diploma course at
  6. Supplément descriptif du certificate on