Ludwig Leo (shipowner)

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Ludwig Leo (* in Königsberg i. Pr .; † 1915 ibid.) Was a German merchant in Königsberg i. Pr.


Leo was born into a Jewish family and married into the shipping company Marcus Cohn & Sohn . He later became its owner. From 1873 Leo was an unpaid city ​​councilor . In 1876 he received the department of the city's commercial buildings. When he resigned in 1902 after 28 years, he became city ​​elder . In 1907 the provincial capital of East Prussia granted him honorary citizenship . A street in Amalienau was named after him in his honor. In 1933, at the beginning of the National Socialist era , it was renamed Dieffenbachstrasse.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert Albinus: Königsberg Lexicon . Wurzburg 2002