Air park

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An Air Park was a large central replenishment and maintenance support base of the German Luftwaffe during the Second World War , usually next to a military airfield created.

The tasks included:

  • Provision (acceptance, storage and dispatch or delivery) of armaments for the Air Force.
  • Servicing, testing, servicing or repairing, converting and retrofitting aircraft as well as salvage of damaged machines right up to the front.
  • Determination, manufacture, maintenance and testing of quality standards for armaments and equipment of the Air Force.

Various workshops and shipyards were set up for repair, maintenance and repair work, which worked closely with the technical staff of the respective air base. A mobile rescue team with its own transport aircraft took care of the repatriation for the repair or recycling of the still usable parts of machines that had broken during use.

"Organization and air park members" were responsible for handling these extensive tasks. The staff consisted of both military personnel and conscripted civilians (mostly technicians), all of whom were subordinate to the Air Force. The air park area was a restricted military area, and a dedicated plant security system was responsible for monitoring the employees, access controls and security guards at the individual objects. In addition, a security company was stationed in the air park to ensure military security.

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