Lung meridian

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Points of the lung meridian

The lung meridian, also known as the "lung channel", is one of the 12 main meridians (jingmai) in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It is assigned to the element / the change phase 'metal (金)' ( 5-element teaching ) and is Yīn (dark, soft, cold, feminine, calm). As a Yin meridian, it flows - starting in the torso / upper body - to the fingers. His main activity time is between 3 and 5 a.m. It goes over into the large intestine meridian .


The lung meridian begins in the middle of the abdominal cavity and from there runs down to the functional circuit of the large intestine. From there it runs back up through the diaphragm via the lungs and throat under the collarbone to the first lung point (Lu 1). For further information see below in the gallery. It ends on the outer side of the tip of the thumb. A branch of the meridian branches off just above the wrist and leads to the outside of the index finger. The meridian runs the same on both sides of the body.

Acupuncture points

The lung meridian comprises 11 points (Lu 1 - Lu 11) for body acupuncture and 13 points (C 1 to C 13) for hand acupuncture.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tae-Woo Yoo: Lung Meridian. Retrieved on August 28, 2013 (German).