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Lupinus was Comes of Thrace at the beginning of the Ostrogoths immigration to the Roman Empire in 376 .

Lupinus received the order of the Roman Emperor Valens to provide the Ostrogoths with food and shelter. Not only did he disobey the order, he practically stole all of their belongings until they were on the verge of starvation. In the summer of 377 the Gothic settlers, driven by despair, began active resistance. They marched to Markianopel, the capital of the imperial province of Lower Moesia, and asked to speak to Lupinus. However, he refused to receive them. Rather, he showed up with an army a day or two later to teach them a lesson. However, Lupinus underestimated the Ostrogoths and was defeated. He barely got away with his life. As a result, all the Goths in Thrace were ready to fight within a few days, and the Visigoths and even the Huns joined them in a major attack on the Roman Empire.
