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Scheme of a Runddysse seen from above

Mørkedysse ( German  "the dark dolmen " ) are the remains of a dolmen made of two large-format stones next to the forest road in the northern part of Slagslunde Skov (forest) in the Egedal municipality on the Danish island of Zealand . The complex was built between 3500 and 2800 BC. BC as a megalithic system of the funnel beaker culture (TBK) and was placed under protection in 1942.

The north-east-south-west oriented Runddysse is an ancient dolmen in a flat hill, the curb stones are missing. Three of the presumably five stones from the chamber have been preserved. The length of the chamber was about 1.75 m and the width 1.1 m.

Urdolmen belong to the early dolmens. They were rectangular chambers usually made up of four large, lying stones and a large capstone. The aisle-free systems (called block boxes in Germany) were usually built for one person. There is no information about additions from this annex.

See also


  • Karsten Kjer Michaelsen: Politikens bog om Danmarks oldtid (= Politikens håndbøger ). Politiken, Copenhagen 2002, ISBN 87-567-6458-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. (Runddysse stands for round dolmen ) and is the name commonly used in Denmark for dolmens that are located in a round hill. In contrast, dolmens in a rectangular barren bed are called Langdyssen

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Coordinates: 55 ° 49 ′ 9.9 ″  N , 12 ° 12 ′ 34.5 ″  E