M29 (mortar)

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M29 (mortar)

M29 in caliber 81 mm

General Information
Military designation: M29
Team: 5
Technical specifications
Caliber :

81 mm

Cadence : maximum 20, practically 12 rounds / min

The medium mortar M29 in caliber 81 mm was an American muzzle loading high-speed cannon with smooth barrel for indirect fire support for light infantry, air assault and airborne units at the level of a battalion.


The M29 mortar was introduced into the US Army in 1952 and replaced the previous 81 mm M1 mortar because it was lighter and had a longer range. Variants were the M29E1 and M29A1 from 1964, which, with chrome-plated tubes, enabled longer service lives and easier cleaning.

The M29 was replaced by the M252 mortar in the US Army in 1987 .


The M29 mortar requires a five-man crew with a squad leader, gunner, loader, first and second ammunition shooter. The maximum combat range is 4,700 m.

Web links

  • Mortar 81 mm . In: Olive Drab . Retrieved January 15, 2015.