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MMDB ( English Molecular Modeling Database 'molecular modeling database') is an online database for 3D structures of biomolecules . Among other things, she maintains data on protein structures .

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Individual evidence

  1. T. Madej, KJ Addess, JH Fong, LY Geer, RC Geer, CJ Lanczycki, C. Liu, S. Lu, A. Marchler-Bauer, AR Panchenko, J. Chen, PA Thiessen, Y. Wang, D. Zhang, SH Bryant: MMDB: 3D structures and macromolecular interactions. In: Nucleic acids research. Volume 40, Database issue January 2012, ISSN  1362-4962 , pp. D461-D464, doi : 10.1093 / nar / gkr1162 , PMID 22135289 , PMC 3245041 (free full text).