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MTK-2 (actually in Cyrillic letters: МТК-2 международный телеграфный код 2 ) is a 5-bit character encoding that was introduced in 1963 in the Soviet Union to represent Cyrillic letters in telegrams. It extends the CCITT-2 code by a third level of characters for Cyrillic letters and replaces some special characters in order to accommodate additional Cyrillic letters. The letters Ё and Ъ are missing ; the letter Ч has been replaced by the number 4.

Code table for MTK-2
Dec Binary Letters Cyrillic Digits
24 11000 A. А -
19th 10011 B. Б ?
14th 01110 C. Ц :
18th 10010 D. Д Who's there?
16 10,000 E. Е 3
22nd 10110 F. Ф Э
11 01011 G Г Ш
5 00101 H Х Щ
12 01100 I. И 8th
26th 11010 J Й Ю
30th 11110 K К (
9 01001 L. Л )
7th 00111 M. М .
6th 00110 N Н ,
3 00011 O О 9
13 01101 P П 0
29 11101 Q Я /
10 01010 R. Р 4th
20th 10100 S. С '
1 00001 T Т 5
28 11100 U У 7th
15th 01111 V Ж =
25th 11001 W. В 2
23 10111 X Ь 1
21st 10101 Y Ы 6th
17th 10001 Z З +
2 00010 Line feed
8th 01000 Carriage return
31 11111 Switching between Latin letters
27 11011 Switching digits
4th 00100 Space
0 00000 Switch to kyrill. Letters
CCITT-2 and MTK-2

Standard-compliant representation of telex characters in CCITT-2 and MTK-2. The punching as well as the dispatch of the telex code takes place: Start-1.FsZ-2.FsZ .- (transport punching) -3.FsZ.-4.FsZ.-5-FsZ.-1.5 stop steps.

In the table on the left the sequence is shown alphabetically according to CCITT-2 . In the table on the right, the telex characters are sorted according to their value, i. H. The letter E has the perforation 1-0 -.- 0-0-0 - this corresponds to 1 in decimal.