Mai-Phuong Kollath

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Mai-Phuong Kollath (* 1963 in Hanoi , Vietnam ) is committed to the integration of migrants in Germany .


In 1981 Mai-Phuong Kollath came to Rostock as a contract worker in the GDR , where she worked as a kitchen helper in the port . In the Rostock-Lichtenhagen district she lived with colleagues in the "Sunflower House ". In 1987 she married a German and had a daughter in 1988. This was punished as a breach of contract with a fine of 8,060 marks . After the political change , she opened a small restaurant and worked in a daycare center.

The riots in Rostock-Lichtenhagen strongly influenced Mai-Phuong Kollath and encouraged them to fully integrate. She began to work in the German-Vietnamese association "Dien-Hong" and later became its deputy manager. From 1999 to 2005 she completed a degree in educational science at the University of Rostock . Since 2000 Mai-Phuong Kollath has worked as a freelance interpreter and translator for various government institutions and authorities. From 2005 to 2010 she was involved in the project management and implementation of an intercultural advisory service.

In December 2010 Mai-Phuong Kollath moved to Berlin and has been working as a freelance coach and intercultural consultant ever since. She is a permanent participant of the federal government's integration summit and deputy chairwoman of the Federal Immigration and Integration Council . She is also the chairwoman of the spokesman's council for the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania network of migrant organizations.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Phuong's dream. Stern, October 1, 2008, accessed August 1, 2017 .