Manjushree Thapa

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Manjushree Thapa

Manjushree Thapa (* 1968 in Kathmandu ) is a Nepalese writer. She mostly writes in English.


Thapa grew up in Kathmandu, Canada and the USA. She began writing after graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Rhode Island School of Design.

Her first book was Mustang Bhot in Fragments (1992). In 2001 she published her first novel, The Tutor of History (published in German as Geheime Wahlen ), which she had started as part of her thesis in the creative writing course at the University of Washington.

Her most famous book is Forget Kathmandu. An Elegy for Democracy (the German edition Vergesst Kathmandu appears in 2009), which was published just a few weeks before the royal coup on February 1, 2005. Thapa then left the country to speak freely against the coup. Now she lives in Kathmandu again. In 2007 the short story book Tilled Earth was published .

Manjushree Thapa's works are translated into German by Philipp P. Thapa (no relatives).


  • Mustang Bhot in Fragments , Himal Books, Kathmandu 1992.
  • The Tutor of History , Penguin India, New Delhi 2001; German title Geheime Wahlen , Edition Kathmandu, Bergisch Gladbach 2007, ISBN 978-3-939834-00-7
  • Forget Kathmandu. An Elegy for Democracy , Penguin India, New Delhi 2005.
  • Tilled Earth , Penguin India, New Delhi 2007.

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