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Marathaios ( ancient Greek Μαραθαῖος ) was a late antique stonemason who worked in northern Syria in the 4th century .

He is known for the building inscription on a stoa from Dahr el-Kebira , in which he is named together with the stonemasons Hermogenes and Marinios . According to the inscription, dated to the year 378, the Stoa is dedicated to the "only God", which probably means the God of Christianity .



  1. Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie , No. 4,1532bis .
  2. ^ Frank R. Trombley: Hellenic Religion & Christianization, c. 370-529 (= Religions in the Graeco-Roman world. Volume 115). EJ Brill, Leiden 1993, Vol. II, p. 286.