Marina Livițchi

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Marina Livițchi (born April 7, 1956 in Cahul , Moldovan SSR ) is a former Moldovan politician and university professor.


Despite having polio and coming from a humble background, Livițchi studied sociology and law at the St. Petersburg State University . She wrote a dissertation on the social protection of needy sections of the population. From March 1994 to May 1998, she was a member of the Moldovan Parliament for social issues, including chairing the Committee on Social Protection, Health and the Environment. In 1996 she was a presidential candidate and received 2.13% of the vote.

From May 1998 she was Professor of Law at the Moldovan Academy of Economics , from November 2000 at the Chair of Civil Law at the Free International University (ULIM). Through her social commitment, she made political enemies, which led her to emigrate to Switzerland with her family in July 2001 . Since October 2005 she has been working as a newspaper seller at the train station in Basel .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Alegeri prezidenţiale 1996