Marion Reinhardt

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Marion Reinhardt (* 1963 in Coburg ) is a German freelance journalist , book author , state-certified herbal pedagogue, certified medicinal and wild herbs expert and certified in monastery medicine and phytotherapy .


Marion Reinhardt was born in Coburg and now lives with her family in Fürth . She studied art history and worked as a journalist for many years before describing herself to her passion, herbs. Today the passionate herbalist tries to ignite this fire in others on wild herb hikes, in herbal workshops or on guided trips to the most beautiful regional and national herb gardens. In 2015 her first book was published in Bavaria's most beautiful herb gardens: discovering medicinal plants, spices and wild herbs . The 25 most beautiful herb gardens in the southwest followed in 2017 and Franconian cooking with wild herbs: 80 seasonal recipes in which she combines her knowledge of herbs with a passion for Franconian cooking.


  • Bavaria's most beautiful herb gardens: discover medicinal plants, spices and wild herbs. Volk Verlag, 2015, ISBN 978-3-86222-166-0 .
  • The 25 most beautiful herb gardens in the southwest. Südverlag, 2017, ISBN 978-3-87800-101-0 .
  • Franconian cooking with wild herbs: 80 seasonal recipes. ars vivendi Verlag, 2017, ISBN 978-3-86913-761-2 .

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