Marque (unit)

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The marque was a French measure of volume and length.

Wood measure

The marque for timber was limited to Le Havre and allowed until 1840.

Textile measure

The marque was a measure of cloth lengths.


  • Christian Noback , Friedrich Noback : Coin, measure and weight book: the monetary, measure and exchange system, the rates, government papers, banks, trading establishments and customs of all countries and important places. FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1858, p. 275.

Individual evidence

  1. Helmut Kahnt, Bernd Knorr: Old measures, coins and weights: a lexicon . Licensed edition of the Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig. Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim / Vienna / Zurich 1986, ISBN 3-411-02148-9 , p. 180 .