Marx brothers

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Coat of arms of the Marx brothers

The Marx brothers were the first German fencing school whose lessons consisted of organizing public fencing performances. The German Emperor Friedrich III. issued the first letter of privilege to the "German Masters of the Sword" in Nuremberg on August 10, 1487. This only speaks of "Masters of the Sword", the self-designation, as it can be found in the older master book of the Marx Brothers in the City Archives Frankfurt am Main , was "Brotherhood of our dear women of the pure Virgin Mary and the holy and violent Prince of Heaven Sanct- Marx ". The Marx brothers were in competition with the pen fencers .

After 1614 no more fencing schools of the Marx brothers were mentioned.

Known members

Individual evidence

  1. Marxbrüder and Federfechter. on
  2. Marxbrüder and Federfechter