Maternity Triemli

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Maternité Triemli is the gynecological clinic of the Triemli City Hospital in Zurich .

The history of Maternité Triemli began in the first half of the 20th century. The home for mothers and babies was founded in 1908 by the sponsoring association for mothers and infant protection and thus met a fundamental need of single women who were intentionally or unintentionally pregnant and needed a safe place of birth. Due to an acute lack of space, the home was abandoned in 1917 and a house twice as large was built.

In 1923, the sponsoring association was divided into the two main areas of maternity and pregnancy counseling as well as maternal and infant home in which Paulina Vetterli, among others, worked as a "house clerk" for over thirty years. The Inselhof was named after the mother and baby home opened in 1927 on Inselhofstrasse in Zurich- Riesbach .

In 1956 a competition was announced for the Maternité Frauenklinik Triemli . From 1968 to 2004, the sponsoring association ran the Maternité women's clinic on the Triemli site. The clinic was handed over to the city of Zurich in 2005.


  • Verena Naegele: sky blue and rose red. From the house for fallen girls to the social and medical center for women, mothers and children. Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung , Zurich 2004, ISBN 3-03823-054-5 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Berti Ammann-Keller: A committed Thurgau woman in Zurich. Paulina Vetterli from Diessenhofen. Thurgauer Jahrbuch , Vol. 77, 2002, pp. 116–122, accessed on May 26, 2020 .
  2. Bauen + Wohnen : Competition for the Maternité Frauenklinik Triemli. Retrieved May 26, 2020 .