Max Weber Prize for Business Ethics

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The Max Weber Prize for Business Ethics has been awarded by the Institute of German Business since 1992 .


The Institute of German Economy has been conducting a regular dialogue between church and economy since 1984 and is therefore the only one of the large German economic institutes that deals with the relationship between church and economy and questions of business ethics in its own lecture. Every two years since 1992, the Max Weber Prize, endowed with 5000 euros and donated by the Wuppertal entrepreneur Klaus Tesch, has been awarded to scientists who have made a contribution to improving the dialogue between ethics and business.

Award winners

  • 1992: Albert Löhr for business ethics and business administration: studies on the theoretical support of business practice
  • 1994: Guido Krupinski, leadership ethics for business practice
  • 1994: Alfred Jäger for diakonia as a Christian company, diaconal corporate policy, concepts of church leadership for the future
  • 1994: Max Klopfer (in cooperation with Siemens AG) for business ethics learning unit
  • 1996: Gerhard Blickle for communication ethics in management
  • 1996: Udo Neugebauer for business ethics in business administration: Comparative analysis of ethical approaches in German-speaking business administration
  • 1996: Thomas Retzmann for Business Ethics and Business Education: A didactic analysis of possibilities for promoting the moral judgment and action competence of executives
  • 1998: Josef Wieland for his habilitation thesis Economic Organization, Allocation and Status
  • 1998: Recognition award: Bettina Palazzo for her dissertation on Business Ethics in Germany and the USA: An Intercultural Comparison
  • 2001: Andreas Wagner for his dissertation on corporate ethics in banks
  • 2004: Joachim Fetzer for the responsibility of the company
  • 2004: School / textbook award: Bernd Noll for economic and business ethics in the market economy
  • 2006: Michael Fürst for his dissertation Risk Governance: The Perception and Control of Moral Economic Risks
  • 2008: Guido Palazzo for his dissertation Corporate Responsibility
  • 2008: School / textbook award : Thomas Maak Integre Management: Ethical orientation knowledge for business practice
  • 2008: Training / Study Award: Johanna Weiss Success and Morality
  • 2010: Nick Lin-Hi for his dissertation: A Theory of Corporate Responsibility: Linking Profit and Social Interests
  • 2010: Markus Beckmann for his dissertation: Regulatory responsibility: Rational choice as an ordonomic research program
  • 2012: Maud H. Schmiedeknecht her dissertation on the processes that lead to ISO 26000 have led
  • 2012: School / textbook award: Thomas Retzmann and Tilman Grammes for their online portal, "which makes students aware of possible moral dilemmas in their actions and thus sensitizes them to questions of business ethics"
  • 2014: Christof Altmann for his dissertation on "Development Competition"
  • 2014: Training award: Samuel Stäbler for his master's thesis on ethical and social misconduct in companies
  • 2016: Giuseppe Franco for his dissertation on Joseph Höffner and the social market economy
  • 2018: Laura Marie Edinger-Schons , Johanna Jauernig, Sebastian Everding, Julian Degan, Nicole Caroline Schneider, Victoria von der Leyen

Web links

  1. Outstanding Science. Retrieved December 9, 2018 .