Medio (unit)

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Medio , also Medio Celemine or Almudo, was a Spanish measure of volume in the province of Valencia . The grain measure is to be distinguished from the Spanish gold coin of the same name .

  • 1 medio = 105 Parisian cubic inches = 2.0836 liters = 2 1/12 liters
  • 1 medio = 2 quarterones
  • 2 Medio = 1 Celemine
  • 8 Medio = 1 Barsella / Barchillo
  • 96 medio = 1 cahiz

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Joseph Johann von Littrow, Carl Ludwig von Littrow: JJ v. Litrow's comparison of the most excellent measures, weights and coins with those used in the Austrian imperial state. Beck, 1844, p. 35
  2. ^ Johann Friedrich Krüger: Complete manual of the coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world. Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg and Leipzig 1830, p. 188