My strange son - Strange Son

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In the book My Strange Son - Strange Son , Portia Iversen, founder of the organization Cure Autism Now , describes how her autism- affected son can finally get help through the method of Soma Mukhopadhyay . The method is vaguely similar to Assisted Communication .

The method is difficult to reproduce because Mukhopadhyay observes very closely where the autistic's attention is and how high the level of arousal is; however, it is not easy to see how Mukhopadhyay does it exactly. Nevertheless, Iversen managed to learn the method and also to train a teacher in the method. In this sense, one can now say that the method is more or less reproducible.

Mukhopadhyay developed the method with her own son, who is also autistic.

There is a presumption that most of the mentally handicapped, ie “low-functioning autistic” are not mentally handicapped at all, but are of the auditory type with autism. They are so focused on hearing that as a result, visual perception is hardly processed Autistic also doesn't speak.

According to the book and a video on the Internet, Ms. Mukhopadhyay taught several affected children at the Carousel School, where Ms. Iversen's son is also.


Iversen, Portia: My foreign son, Munich, Goldmann, 2008, ISBN 978-3-442-31085-2

Original: Strange Son, published USA, 2006

