Master of Margriet Uutenham

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The painter who magnificently painted a book of hours around 1475 is called the master of Margriet Uutenham . The book was owned by Margriet Uutenham and gave the artist her emergency name. It is now privately owned. The artist, whose name is unknown, could have been one of the nuns of the Bethanië monastery near Arnhem . Several nuns were probably working on the painting, they are also said to have painted the margins of Sophia van Bylant's book of hours, today in the Wallraf-Richartz Museum in Cologne. .,

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sotheby's auction house, London: sale December 3, 2002, lot 79
  2. ^ I. Dickmann: The Book of Hours of Sophia van Bylant and the Masters of Margriet Uutenham . In: R. Budde, R. Krischel (Ed.): The Book of Hours of Sophia von Bylant. Cologne 2001, pp. 177-186


  • Sotheby's (Ed.): Western Manuscripts and Miniatures December 03, 2002 (sales catalog). London 2002
  • HLM Defoer u. a. (Ed.): The golden age of Dutch book illumination. Stuttgart / Zurich 1990

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