Metagenes (comedy poet)

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Metagenes ( Greek  Μεταγένης Metagénēs ) was a Greek poet of ancient comedy . He was a contemporary of Aristophanes , Phrynichus and Plato . Only fragments and a few titles of his pieces have survived.

In the Thuriopersai he makes fun of the paradise of life of the inhabitants of Thurii funny.


  • Bernhard Zimmermann : Metagenes, Archippos, Polyzelos . In: Bernhard Zimmermann (Hrsg.): Handbook of Greek literature in antiquity. Volume 1: The literature of the archaic and classical times. CH Beck, Munich 2011, ISBN 978-3-406-57673-7 , p. 756 f.


  1. Athenaios , Deipnosophistai 270a.