Assassination photo

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Courtyard of a rental house in Vienna: Depending on the caption, city administrators, property owners or tenants are pilloried

As Meuchelfoto are pictures of people, sometimes referred to objects, architecture and landscapes that let the person depicted or what is depicted in a bad light, ridiculous or inferior appear. The term "assassination photo" originated in the context of the editorial jargon of the mass media and was coined by analogy with assassination, which, by definition, hits the victim in an "insidious, secret, devious manner". The assassination photo is usually a targeted aggression, criticism or exposure and moves in the border area between reportage , satire , snapshot and artistic photography .


Normally, the assassination photo is not wanted by the person being photographed and for that reason alone is a violation of personal rights or the highly personal area of ​​life through taking pictures. People who are publicly known, such as politicians or artists, can usually only prevent the publication of photos or take legal action against them if these violate the private sphere. The professional production of photos, which are supposed to have a defamatory, degrading or otherwise critical effect, gave birth to a whole profession, the paparazzi . Blatant, sometimes notorious examples: nude photos of members of the royal family, politicians and well-known film stars, or photos of celebrities in intimate hugs in a secret relationship, or photos that show how someone loses their nerve and becomes violent.

Often it is only the moment of the photo that the characteristic of the assassination photo emerges: For example, when the famous person is picking his nose, sleeping in a parliamentary session, yawning or doing something else that is avoided in public. Photos of a grimace that makes the person look unfavorable are repeatedly published by politicians and cannot be prevented by those affected.

Pillory function: The assassination photo does not exercise objective criticism of the photographed object because it hides the conditions in which it was created, but takes into account the instinctive reactions of the viewer: aversion, lust for laughter, disgust and the like. a. Photographs with the "Candid Camera" (see Hidden Camera ), in which people are brought into unfamiliar situations in order to make them ridiculous or otherwise embarrassed, can fall into the category of assassination photos.

Legal terms

In general, the assassination photo does not protect the personal rights of the photographed, the provisions on the copyright of the photographer not always. On the Internet, they often appear anonymously and are redistributed anonymously, contrary to the provisions in Sections 1 to 72 of the Copyright Act , Sections 22 to 50 of the Act on Copyright in Works of Fine Arts and Photography and Section 201a of the Criminal Code ( violation of the highly personal area of ​​life by Image recordings ). For example, the publication of pictures of defaced buildings is not permitted.

Individual evidence

  1. For example here: NY Daily News cover hits Trump over Comey Book Revelations. The Hill, accessed July 7, 2018 . and many others
  2. See the detailed information in Michael Risch, Vilma Niclas, Martin Rietze, Christian Haasz: Photo School: Camera-independent photo practice for digital photographers . 3. Edition. Franzis, Poing 2011, ISBN 978-3-645-60116-0 . , Section Photo Law , p. 286 ff. Partially readable in Michael Risch et al .: Photo School. Google Books, 2011, accessed July 7, 2018 .