As a report (from the Latin reportare report = Report) is called in Journalism different forms of representation, in which the author is not reported from the from desk, but from direct observation. In the printed matter , the term is commonly prepared for a dramatic (see also news photography ) background report based on a matter of concrete examples, people or their fates clearly does. While the news and report keep a distance, the report comes close and also allows observations and other sensory perceptions of its protagonists.
In radio jargon, the simple reporting from the location of the event counts as reportage. Sports journalists who comment on football matches live from the stadium often operate as football reporters.
In contrast to the writer of news or reports , the reporter is allowed to supplement facts with his own impressions, which he has collected - often when he is present at the scene. Ideally, he tells the story without evaluating or commenting, not even by omitting it. It is limited to a narrative function, speaks predominantly in the present tense and thereby enables the recipient (reader, listener or television viewer) to empathize with the situation.
Example: “A house was on fire.” The report describes in detail what it looks like in it and tries to have “cinema in the head” of the recipient. She describes the "scorched, black banisters that are hard to tell that they are made of wood".
A report can be linked to interviews and comments . It can consist of texts , photographs ( photo reportage ) or a combination of both. The latter is the most common form.
Court report
The court report is a special form. The best-known authors in this genre in Germany include the Spiegel editor Gerhard Mauz (1925–2003), his successor Gisela Friedrichsen, as well as Peggy Parnass , Hans Holzhaider and Sabine Rückert .
Social reporting
Social reports practicing social criticism . Max Winter is considered to be the founder of social reporting in German-speaking countries . Well-known examples are
- George Orwell : Done in Paris and London (1933) or The Road to Wigan Pier (1937)
- Günter Wallraff (see also investigative journalism )
- covert explorations in special milieus ( right-wing extremism , crime, etc.).
Reporter (selection)
- Klaus Bednarz
- Christoph Braendle
- Peter Dudzik
- Martha Gellhorn
- Ryszard Kapuściński
- Hans Ulrich Kempski
- Egon Erwin Kisch
- Jürgen Leinemann
- Maria Leitner
- Albert Londres
- Michael Obert
- Alexander Osang
- Herbert Riehl-Heyse
- Gerd Ruge
- Marie-Luise Scherer
- Günter Wallraff
- Max Winter
- Peter von Zahn
- German Reporter Prize : The Reporter Forum has been awarding this "Prize from journalists for journalists", endowed with a total of 25,000 euros, since 2009 . It is currently awarded in nine categories and, with over 1000 entries each, is one of the largest German media awards.
- The Egon Erwin Kisch Prize is awarded annually for German-language reports as part of the Henri Nannen Prize . The Henri Nannen Prize, awarded by the star , is a prestigious honor in the industry.
- The only global reportage literature award is the Lettre Ulysses Award , which was last given in 2006.
- The Zeitenspiegel reporting agency from Weinstadt has been awarding the Hansel Mieth Prize to journalists for outstanding publications in German-language print media every year since 1998 in memory of their honorary member Hansel Mieth . The prize is endowed with 6,000 euros.
As a result of the reports invented by Claas Relotius in whole or in part, other media workers saw the report at the end of the 2010s damaged in its reputation or in a crisis.
- Stefan Heijnk: The print report: Genre conventions from a reporter's point of view . In: Journalistik, Volume 59, Issue 2/2014, pp. 135–157, ISSN 0033-4006 (with numerous survey results and references)
- Walther von La Roche , Gabriele Hooffacker and Klaus Meier : Introduction to practical journalism . 19th edition. Berlin 2013 ( ). Website for the book with additional information on journalism, ISBN 978-3-430-20045-5
- Michael Haller : Die Reportage , UVK 2008, ISBN 978-3-89669-305-1
- Ulrich Fey and Hans-Joachim Schlüter: Writing reports. From the idea to the finished text , ZV Zeitungs-Verlag Service 2006, ISBN 3-929122-95-2
- Bodo Witzke and Ulli Rothaus: Die Fernsehreportage , UVK 2003, ISBN 978-3896693334
- Cordt Schnibben : From the good to the very good report via the reporter forum (PDF; 61 kB)
See also
Web links
Individual evidence
- ↑ According to Michael Haller, the report encompasses "everything that lies outside our head and can be perceived with our sensory organs: the stories that other people have told us; the facts established in documents, the events that we observed, heard, smelled, Have tasted and touched, in short: the objects of our work. " Michael Haller, Die Reportage, Konstanz 2008, p. 167.
- ↑ "Why don't the alarm bells go off sometime?" In: Spiegel online. Spiegel, Retrieved July 15, 2019 .
- ↑ How good journalism can succeed today. In: Deutschlandfunk Kultur. Deutschlandradio, July 14, 2019, accessed on July 15, 2019 .
- ↑ Scenic deconstruction: the print report and the facts. In: NDR, accessed on July 15, 2019 .