Gerhard Mauz

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Gerhard Mauz (born November 29, 1925 in Tübingen ; † August 15, 2003 in Reinbek ) was a German journalist and reporter of numerous court cases in the post-war period .

Mauz was the son of the psychiatrist and T4 expert Friedrich Mauz . He studied psychology , psychopathology and philosophy . He began his journalistic career with radio and the daily newspaper Die Welt . From 1964 until his retirement in 1990 he was a member of the editorial board of the news magazine Der Spiegel , after which he wrote as a freelance writer for his old paper, for Spiegel Online and for the Berliner Tagesspiegel .

In 1973 he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon for his journalistic services to the judiciary.

In her obituary, Gisela Friedrichsen described her predecessor as a man who was considered “a legend”, but who was “wild as hell” when he was called “'Nestor' in court reports”. He never wanted to “petrify into a monument” and was of the opinion “that in everything you do, you only try to find yourself. If this also benefits others, it is lucky [...] ”.

"He did not train - but taught that in every accused, even if he is accused of the most hideous, you always encounter yourself and the ability to commit any crime."

- Gisela Friedrichsen : The mirror

Fonts (selection)

  • The righteous and the judged. Ullstein, Frankfurt / Main u. Berlin 1968.
  • The game of guilt and atonement. The future of criminal justice . Eugen Diederichs, Düsseldorf / Cologne 1975.
  • The judiciary in court: power and impotence of judges. Bertelsmann, Munich 1990.
  • The great trials of the Federal Republic of Germany. Edited by Gisela Friedrichsen ; Dietrich zu Klampen, Springe 2005.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Gisela Friedrichsen : Obituary Gerhard Mauz . In: Der Spiegel . No.  34 , August 18, 2003, p. 152 ( [accessed October 5, 2017]).