15th of August
The August 15 is the 227th day of the Gregorian calendar (the 228th in leap years ), thus remain 138 days by year end.
Historic anniversaries July · August · September |
Politics and world events
- 29 BC BC : Octavian is celebrated in the third consecutive triumphal procession in Rome as the conqueror of Egypt and takes over the rule of the Roman Empire .
- 717 : During the Islamic expansion , an Arab army under the general Maslama begins the siege of Constantinople .
- 718 : The sea blockade of Constantinople is abandoned after the Arab land troops had previously been significantly decimated by a battle with the army of the Bulgarian Khan Terwel , who was allied with Byzantium .
- 778 : The rearguard of Charlemagne's Frankish army is attacked by local Basques in the Roncesvalles valley and completely destroyed . The Breton Margrave Hruotland , to whom the Roland song is later dedicated, is also among the fallen .
- 927 : The Saracens, led by the Slav Sabir al-Fata , destroy the Greco-Roman city of Tarentum .
- 1057 : The Scottish King Macbeth is killed in the battle of Lumphanan against Duncan's son Malcolm III. who has secured the support of Edward the Confessor .
- 1235 : At the Reichstag in Mainz convened by Emperor Friedrich II , the Land Peace of Mainz is passed .
- 1261 : After the reconquest of Constantinople, Michael VIII moves into the capital of the Byzantine Empire and is crowned a second time. The Latin Empire ended with the flight of its regent Baldwin II .
- 1271 : The French King Philip III. is crowned in Reims Cathedral. The coronation procession is headed for the first time by the sword of Charlemagne's Joyeuse , which establishes a tradition .
- 1326 : Gerhard III. can be from the Danish King Waldemar III. - whose uncle and guardian he is - enfeoff with the Duchy of Schleswig . Schleswig and Holstein are thus united under one ruler for the first time.
- 1373 : The Treaty of Fürstenwalde Emperor receives Charles IV. , The Mark Brandenburg from Margrave Otto V. The House of Wittelsbach in exchange for 500,000 florins and some towns and castles in the Upper Palatinate from imperial possession.
- 1416 : Henry V of England and the Roman-German King Sigismund conclude a treaty of alliance against France in Canterbury .
- 1461 : The Greek Empire of Trebizond on the south-eastern Black Sea coast surrenders to the Ottoman troops.
- 1511 : The Spanish conqueror Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar founds the settlement of Baracoa in Cuba , which develops into the first capital.
- 1519 : The Spanish conquistador Pedro Arias Dávila founds Panama City .
- 1537 : Juan de Salazar and Gonzalo de Mendoza found the city of Asunción , later the capital of Paraguay , at the confluence of the Río Pilcomayo in the Río Paraguay.
- 1539 : King Francis I stipulates in the Edict of Villers-Cotterêts that only the French language is to be used in documents and in administration, Latin is abolished in legal matters in France .
- 1599 : Irish rebels win against English troops in the Battle of Curlew Pass during the Nine Years' War .
- 1620 : The two sailing ships Mayflower and Speedwell leave the port of Southampton on their way to America, but have to dock in Dartmouth after a few days because the Speedwell is leaking.
- 1649 : Oliver Cromwell lands in Ireland with an army to fight a revolt by Catholic royalists .
- 1684 : In the Armistice of Regensburg , Emperor Leopold I and the Reich agree a truce on the western border with France's King Louis XIV . France will cede the territory of the empire that it has annexed in reunions for a period of 20 years.
- 1695 : A three-day bombardment of Brussels during the War of the Palatinate Succession by the French army under the command of François de Neufville, duc de Villeroy ends. Fires breaking out these days are helping to destroy a third of the city.
- 1744 : Frederick the Great triggers the Second Silesian War against Austria when his troops march into Bohemia .

1760: Frederick the Great as general
- 1760 : Frederick the Great defeated an Austrian army twice as strong in the Battle of Liegnitz during the Seven Years' War .
- 1761 : The Seven Years' War leads to the conclusion of the Bourbon house contract between the dynasties in France and Spain . Both sides secure their territorial possessions and agree on mutual aid in the event of war.
- 1785 : With the arrest of Cardinal Rohan at the instigation of King Louis XVI. the collar affair becomes public.
- 1799 : In the Battle of Novi during the Second Coalition War, the Russian-Austrian armed forces triumph over the French troops.
- 1836 : A Bolivian army under General Andrés de Santa Cruz marches into Peru's capital Lima . The subsequent formation of a confederation becomes the occasion for the Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation War .
- 1888 : The Arab uprising begins in the coastal area of East Africa leased from the Sultan of Zanzibar to the German East African Society , which necessitates the intervention of regular troops of the German Empire and thus leads to the foundation of the German East Africa colony .
- 1912 : Eduardo Schaerer becomes head of state and government in Paraguay . He succeeds in stabilizing the domestic political situation and initiating the development of the fallow economy.
- 1936 : Hochland , the first Lebensborn home, is opened in Steinhöring (Upper Bavaria) .
- 1940 : In the run-up to the Greco-Italian War, the Italian submarine Delfino torpedoed the Greek cruiser Elli in the port of Tinos in the Aegean Sea , killing nine people.
- 1944 : The Allies of the Second World War land in the course of Operation Dragoon (also Anvil ) on the Mediterranean coast in southern France . They can quickly advance inland without major resistance on the German Western Front .
- 1945 : VJ-Day : The Shōwa-tennō Hirohito announces on the radio ( Gyokuon-hōsō ) Japan's unconditional surrender in the Second World War .
- 1945 : Immediately after Japan surrendered in World War II , the Japanese provinces of Formosa and Chōsen (former Korea) became independent from Japan .
- 1946 : The Korean capital Gyeongseong is renamed Seoul .
- 1947 : The Mountbatten Plan comes into effect, ending British colonial rule in India . Against the opposition of Gandhi and Nehru the former colony in the Dominions will India and Pakistan divided .
- 1948 : In the southern part of the Korean Peninsula is Korea established.
- 1960 : The Republic of the Congo with the capital Brazzaville and Fulbert Youlou as the first state president gains full independence from France .
- 1961 : While guarding the Berlin Wall , which was still under construction , the People's Policeman Conrad Schumann escaped to the West by jumping over the barbed wire. The jump is captured by Peter Leibing in a famous photo.
- 1965 : After repeated fighting between the Pakistani mujahideen and Indian security forces in Kashmir , the Kashmir conflict escalates . Indian troops from Jammu and Kashmir cross the ceasefire line established in 1949 after the First Indo-Pakistani War and thus open the Second Indo-Pakistani War .
- 1971 : The former protectorate of Bahrain gains independence from Great Britain.
- 1974 : South Korean President Park Chung-hee is assassinated while giving a speech by a Korean living in Japan. The dictator's wife, Youk Young-Soo, is hit by a stray bullet that causes her death, while her husband remains unharmed.
- 1975 : Bangladesh's Prime Minister Mujibur Rahman and his family are killed in a military coup .
- 1984 : The Kurdistan Workers' Party ( PKK ) announces the establishment of its military arm Liberation Forces Kurdistan ( HRK ), which occupies two small towns in the Kurdish part of Turkey on the same day .
- 1985 : South African President Pieter Willem Botha gives a speech in Durban known as the Rubicon speech, as a result of which both the economic and social situation in South Africa and the country's international relations deteriorate significantly.
- 1986 : Peru is declared bad credit by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
- 1989 : Frederik Willem de Klerk becomes South African head of state.
- 1993 : The military dictatorship of General Andrés Rodríguez ends in Paraguay . Juan Carlos Wasmosy becomes the country's first democratically elected president.
- 1995 : A military coup against President Miguel Trovoada and Prime Minister Carlos da Graça takes place in São Tomé and Príncipe , but negotiations end after a few days.
- 1998 : A bomb attack in Omagh kills 29 people.
- 2004 : Prince Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein hands over his reign to his son Alois .
- 2005 : Representatives of the Indonesian government and the Chinese Liberation Movement (GAM) sign an agreement in Helsinki to end the civil war in Aceh province .
- 2014 : Killer of the terrorist organization Islamic State commit in the Iraqi village of Kocho massacre of the resident Yazidis . Around 600 men are beheaded, and over 1000 women and children are then abducted.
- 1795 : In France, the livre is formally replaced by the franc .
- 1971 : The US President Richard Nixon declared in a radio and television address, the convertibility of the dollar into gold for completed .
- 1974 : South Korea's first subway runs in the capital, Seoul .
- 1992 : The video game console SNES from Nintendo will be published in Germany.
- 2001 : After more than 60 years, a Zeppelin with the Zeppelin NT resumes passenger service.
- 2003 : In Germany, the law to combat the abuse of value-added service numbers ( value-added service law ) to better protect consumers and others. a. issued in front of dialers .
science and technology
- 1914 : The Panama Canal is opened to shipping. There is no official inauguration ceremony because of the outbreak of war in Europe.
- 1939 : The Russian astronomer Grigori Nikolajewitsch Neuimin discovers the main belt asteroid (2536) Kozyrev in Simejis .
- 1977 : As part of a SETI project, astrophysicist Jerry R. Ehman receives the so-called wow signal at the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio State University .
- 1248 : Construction of Cologne Cathedral begins
- 1483 : The Sistine Chapel is inaugurated after eight years of construction.
- 1806 : The foundation stone for the Paris Arc de Triomphe is laid.
- 1843 : The Copenhagen Tivoli opens.
- 1923 : The first Bauhaus exhibition begins in Weimar . The Am Horn model house built in this context illustrates the new architectural thinking.
- 1931 : The feature film Pardon Us premieres in the USA , the first of the comedian couple Laurel and Hardy .
- 1965 : The Beatles play the highest-attendance live concert of their career at Shea Stadium in New York .
- 1969 : The three-day Woodstock Festival begins in Bethel , New York .
- 1974 : The newly built Toronto Zoo opens. The previously existing Riverdale Zoo is subsequently abandoned and converted into the city's own farm in 1978 .
- 1862 : In Madras (today: Chennai ) in southern India , the Madras High Court, founded on the basis of a letter patent from Queen Victoria , begins its work.
- 1999 : The Mozambican Carlos Fernando is murdered in Kolbermoor for racist reasons.
- 2007 : In Duisburg , six Italians are shot dead by the Calabrian mafia organization 'Ndrangheta, presumably as an act of revenge.
- 1534 : In Paris, the circle of friends around Ignatius von Loyola takes a vow from which the Jesuit order will emerge.
- 1549 : The Jesuit Francisco de Xavier y Jassu arrives on the island of Kyūshū and begins Christian proselytizing in Japan .
- 1903 : In the German Empire , the Indologist Karl Seidenstücker founds the Buddhist Mission Association for Germany . The Buddhism in Germany thus receives its first organization.
- 1929 : Pope Pius XI. founds the Collegium Russicum . The graduates are installed as ordained priests under assumed names in parishes of the Soviet Union because they are exposed to repression there.
- 1967 : Pope Paul VI. reorganizes the Curia in the Apostolic Constitution Regimini ecclesiae universae .
- 2005 : The XX begins in Cologne . World Youth Day with Pope Benedict XVI. It lasts until August 21st.
- 1950 : An earthquake of intensity 8.6 in the Indian Assam asks 1,530 lives.
- 1968 : An earthquake on Celebes kills around 68,200 people.
- 1973 : 330 people die in severe floods in India .
- 1976 : SAETA flight number 232 ( Vickers Viscount 785D with 59 people on board) is lost on the 309 km route from Quito to Cuenca . The wreck was not found until 26 years later at Chimborazo .
- 2007 : At least 450 people die in an earthquake measuring 8.0 on the Richter scale off the coast of Peru. Around 1,500 more are injured.
Minor accidents are listed in the sub-articles of Catastrophe .
- 1857 : The monk in the Bernese Alps is climbed for the first time by mountain guide Christian Almer and three companions.
- 1905 : The Copa Lipton is held for the first time between the national soccer teams of Argentina and Uruguay . Until 1917 this competition takes place on August 15th, after that only once (1962), otherwise on other days.
Entries of athletics world records can be found under the respective discipline under athletics .
Before the 18th century
- 774 : Heizei , Emperor of Japan
- 1128 : Takeda Nobuyoshi , Japanese politician
- 1171 : Alfonso IX. , King of León
- 1233 : Philipp Benizi , Italian superior general of the Servites
- 1250 : Matteo I. Visconti , political leader of Milan
- 1402 : Humphrey Stafford, 1st Duke of Buckingham , great-grandson of the English King Edward III.
- 1455 : George the Rich , Duke of Bavaria-Landshut
- 1468 : Philipp von Solms-Lich , imperial and electoral council, Count von Solms zu Lich
- 1488 : Fernando Columbus , Spanish navigator
- 1507 : George III. , Prince of Anhalt-Plötzkau as well as priest and driving force of the Reformation
- 1513 : Georg Cassander , German theologian and humanist
- 1524 : Michael Teuber , German lawyer, professor and constitution maker
- 1536 : Johann Münch , German legal scholar
- 1561 : Sebastián Aguilera de Heredia , Spanish organist and composer (baptism date)
- 1568 : Zdeněk Vojtěch von Lobkowicz , Czech nobleman and politician
- 1575 : Bartol Kašić , Croatian Jesuit and linguist
- 1581 : Jeremias Drexel , German Jesuit and author of edification of the Counter Reformation
- 1603 : Jacob Tappe , German medic
- 1605 : Wenceslaus Leszczynski , Bishop of Warmia, Archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland-Lithuania
- 1608 : Henry Howard, 22nd Earl of Arundel , English nobleman
- 1609 : Nicolas Fiva , mathematician and the first Swiss Jesuit in the Far East
- 1633 : Christian von Stökken , German writer
- 1653 : Johann Friedrich Gleditsch , German publisher and bookseller
- 1676 : Johann Deodat Blumentrost , Russian medic
- 1679 : Adam Friedrich Zürner , German cartographer
- 1682 : Annibale Albani , Italian cardinal
- 1685 : Jacob Theodor Klein , German scientist, mathematician and diplomat
- 1691 : Johann Peter Reusch , German philosopher and Lutheran theologian
18th century
- 1702 : Francesco Zuccarelli , Italian painter
- 1706 : Heinrich Brockes II , German lawyer and mayor of Lübeck
- 1710 : Johann Friedrich Hähn , German clergyman and educator
- 1712 : Joseph Karl Truchseß von Waldburg-Zeil-Wurzach , provost in Cologne
- 1725 : Ferdinando Bertoni , Italian organist, conductor and composer
- 1726 : Karl Anton von Martini , Austrian lawyer and legal philosopher
- 1728 : Georg Daniel Auberlen , musician and composer from Württemberg
- 1730 : Karl Georg Lebrecht , Prince of Anhalt-Köthen
- 1731 : Georg Friedrich Kordenbusch von Buschenau , German medic and astronomer
- 1736 : Johann Christoph Kellner , German composer and organist
- 1740 : Matthias Claudius , German poet and journalist
- 1743 : Thomas Henderson , American politician
- 1744 : Conrad Moench , German pharmacist, chemist and botanist
- 1759 : Jacques Augustin , French painter
- 1762 : Johann Otto Thiess , German Lutheran theologian
- 1763 : Ernst Friedrich Ferdinand Robert , German painter and university professor
- 1767 : Peter Mayr , Tyrolean freedom fighter
- 1768 : Christoph von Schmid , German poet and author of books for young people
- 1769 : Napoleon Bonaparte , French general, statesman and emperor
- 1769 : Johann Philipp von Ladenberg , Prussian tax officer, honorary citizen of Berlin
- 1771 : Walter Scott , British poet and writer from Scotland
- 1772 : Johann Nepomuk Mälzel , German inventor and mechanic
- 1775 : Karl Franz Anton von Schreibers , Austrian natural scientist
- 1776 : Gottlieb Schick , German classicist painter
- 1776 : Ignaz Xaver von Seyfried , Austrian composer
- 1776 : Sophie Brentano , sister of Clemens Brentano
- 1777 : Isaak Altmann , landscape gardener from Bremen
- 1779 : Joseph Widmer , Swiss Roman Catholic theologian and university professor
- 1784 : Pierre-Auguste-Louis Blondeau , French composer and musicologist
- 1785 : Thomas De Quincey , British writer, essayist and journalist
- 1787 : Alexander Alexandrovich Aljabjew , Russian composer
- 1792 : Francesco Scalini , Austrian engineer and politician
- 1794 : Elias Magnus Fries , Swedish botanist
- 1795 : Aaron V. Brown , American politician
- 1796 : John Torrey , North American botanist
- 1797 : Hans Ferdinand Maßmann , German educator
- 1798 : WO von Horn , German writer
- 1798 : Henry de Labouchère, 1st Baron Taunton , British statesman
- 1799 : Wilhelm Achtermann , German sculptor
- 1800 : Paul Massot , French politician, doctor and malacologist
19th century
- 1807 : Jules Grévy , French statesman and politician
- 1808 : Alfred von Reumont , German statesman and historian
- 1812 : Wilhelm Pasewaldt , German local politician
- 1817 : James Wilson Henderson , 4th Governor of Texas
- 1820 : Adolph von Pfretzschner , German politician and Bavarian state minister
- 1821 : Alfred Bruyas , French art collector and patron
- 1822 : James E. Bailey , American politician
- 1822 : Carl von Blixen-Finecke , Swedish landowner and Danish politician
- 1822 : Edward Clark , American architect
- 1822 : Wilhelm Rust , German composer and musicologist
- 1824 : John Chisum , American cattle baron
- 1824 : Ludwig II of Baden , son of Leopold I, Grand Duke of Baden
- 1827 : Ludwig Angerer , Austrian photographer
- 1827 : Wilhelm Riefstahl , German landscape painter
- 1828 : Albert de Balleroy , French painter
- 1828 : Jean-Baptiste Billot , French general and statesman
- 1828 : Frank Buchser , Swiss painter
- 1828 : Adolf von Randow , German politician, MdL, sculptor and banker
- 1830 : Mária Lebstück , officer and freedom fighter in Hungary
- 1831 : Gustav Ipavec , Slovenian composer
- 1833 : Paul Händler , German history painter
- 1836 : Ernest Blum , French playwright and librettist
- 1840 : Richard Abé , German cast steel foundry
- 1844 : Mihael Lendovšek , Slovenian writer and theologian
- 1845 : Walter Crane , British painter and illustrator, leading representative of the Pre-Raphaelites
- 1845 : Ludwig Rochus Schmidlin , Swiss Roman Catholic clergyman, educator and church historian
- 1848 : Albert Bitter , German bishop in Sweden, archbishop
- 1849 : Charles Labelle , Canadian composer, choir director, conductor and music teacher
- 1855 : Walter Hines Page , American journalist, publisher, and diplomat
- 1857 : Albert Ballin , German shipowner
- 1857 : Georg Gothein , German politician, MdL, MdR
- 1858 : Edith Nesbit , British children's author
- 1858 : Emma Calvé , French mezzo-soprano
- 1858 : Michael Hainisch , Austrian social and economic politician, Federal President
- 1860 : Florence Harding , American first lady
- 1863 : Alexei Nikolajewitsch Krylow , Russian naval engineer and mathematician
- 1865 : Mikao Usui , Japanese founder of the alternative medicine Reiki teaching
- 1867 : Anathon Aall , Norwegian philosopher
- 1867 : Walter Robinow , German chess official
- 1868 : Jan Welzl , Czech globetrotter, storyteller and writer
- 1870 : Charles Ardant du Picq , French officer and military historian
- 1871 : Alfred Fröhlich , Austrian pharmacologist
- 1871 : Albert Rehm , German classical philologist
- 1871 : Arthur George Tansley , British plant ecologist and geobotanist
- 1872 : Aurobindo Ghose , Indian politician, philosopher, Hindu mystic, yogi and guru
- 1872 : Rubin Goldmark , American pianist and composer
- 1872 : James Vibert , Swiss sculptor
- 1874 : Gerard Abraham van Rijnberk , Dutch physiologist
- 1875 : John Andrew Arthur , Australian politician
- 1875 : Eduard Kado , German painter, draftsman, sculptor and craftsman
- 1876 : Carl Albert Andersen , Norwegian athlete and gymnast
- 1876 : Wolfgang Pauly , German-Romanian composer in chess
- 1877 : Alberto Ascoli , Italian serologist, hygienist and physiological chemist
- 1879 : Ethel Barrymore , American actress
- 1879 : Hugo Ruppe , German engine designer
- 1879 : Philipp Holl , trade union secretary and mayor of Wiesbaden
- 1880 : Pranas Domsaitis , German painter
- 1881 : Elisabeth Schiemann , German botanist
- 1882 : Marion Bauer , American composer
- 1883 : Ivan Meštrović , Croatian sculptor, architect and professor
- 1884 : Dietrich Kralik , Austrian old Germanist
- 1884 : Michael Unterguggenberger , Austrian local politician, Mayor of Wörgl
- 1885 : Andrei Filippowitsch Pashchenko , Russian composer
- 1885 : Edna Ferber , American writer
- 1886 : Paul Rudolf Henning , German sculptor and architect
- 1886 : Robert Haas , Austrian musicologist
- 1886 : Karl Korsch , German philosopher, Marxist
- 1887 : Paul Willard Merrill , American astronomer
- 1887 : Otto Schniewind , German civil servant, ministerial director in the Reich Ministry of Economics, director of the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau
- 1888 : Gottlieb Duttweiler , Swiss entrepreneur and politician
- 1888 : Hermann Leopoldi , Austrian composer, cabaret artist and piano humorist
- 1888 : Albert Spalding , American violin virtuoso and composer
- 1889 : Kurt Agricola , German officer
- 1890 : Jacques Ibert , French composer
- 1890 : Elvin Morton Jellinek , American physician and researcher into alcoholic disease
- 1891 : Tor Bergeron , Swedish meteorologist
- 1892 : Iwan Wassiljewitsch Boldin , head of the Soviet military administration in Thuringia
- 1892 : Louis Victor de Broglie , French physicist and Nobel Prize winner
- 1892 : Julius Komárek , Czech zoologist, university professor, author of zoological books
- 1892 : Walther Nehring , German general, co-founder of the German tank weapon
- 1893 : Leslie John Comrie , New Zealand astronomer and mathematician
- 1895 : Karl Drewes , German general
- 1896 : Gerty Cori , American biochemist, Nobel Prize winner
- 1896 : Marie Besnard , French accused in a murder trial
- 1896 : Elias Coueter , Syrian clergyman and Melkite bishop of Brazil
- 1898 : Jan Brzechwa , Polish poet, author and translator
- 1899 : Hubert Schulze-Pellengahr , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1899 : Tatjana Barbakoff , Latvian dancer, victim of the Holocaust
- 1900 : Basile Khoury , Lebanese Archbishop
- 1900 : Hans Mahler , German theater and film actor
- 1900 : Jack Tworkov , American painter of Polish descent
20th century
- 1901 : Arnulfo Arias , three-time President of Panama
- 1901 : Pierre Caron , French screenwriter, film director and producer
- 1901 : Alfred Gille , German politician and lawyer, Member of the Bundestag, Member of the Bundestag
- 1901 : Hans Lorbeer , German politician and writer
- 1901 : Ned Washington , American songwriter
- 1902 : Werner Kallmorgen , German architect
- 1903 : Karl Harder , German chess composer
- 1903 : Pascal Pia , French writer and journalist
- 1904 : Victor Bruns , German bassoonist and composer
- 1905 : Manfred von Brauchitsch , German racing car driver
- 1905 : Heinrich Eichen , German writer
- 1905 : Karl-Friedrich Merten , German naval officer and submarine commander
- 1905 : Joachim Mrugowsky , German doctor, officer of the SS and Waffen-SS, head of the hygiene institute of the Waffen-SS and head of human experiments, war criminal
- 1906 : Clemens Laar , German writer
- 1906 : Loyal Griggs , American cameraman
- 1906 : Raban von Canstein , German general
- 1907 : Leo Hepp , German military
- 1907 : Paul Vincze , Hungarian-British medalist
- 1909 : Antonio Corpora , Italian painter
- 1909 : Erwin Moritz Herbert Guttmann , German chess composer
- 1909 : Hugo Winterhalter , American band leader
- 1910 : Elisabeth Kallina , Austrian theater actress
- 1910 : Josef Klaus , Austrian politician and head of government
- 1911 : Buster Brown , American blues and R&B singer and harmonica player
- 1911 : Hans Fruck , German resistance fighter against National Socialism, Deputy Minister for State Security of the GDR
- 1912 : Julia Child , American cook and cookbook author
- 1912 : Wendy Hiller , British actress
- 1912 : Donald Lash , American middle and long distance runner
- 1912 : Guido Morselli , Italian novelist
- 1912 : Naoto Tajima , Japanese athlete, Olympic champion
- 1913 : Heinz Trökes , German painter and graphic artist
- 1914 : Paul Rand , American designer of company logos
- 1915 : Signe Hasso , Swedish actress
- 1915 : Herbert Hupka , German journalist and politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1915 : Amron Harry Katz , American physicist and aerial reconnaissance specialist
- 1915 : Eberhard Stammler , German theologian
- 1916 : Heinz Oestergaard , German fashion designer
- 1916 : Ueli Prager , Swiss entrepreneur, founder of Mövenpick
- 1916 : Joseph-Marie Raya , Lebanese Archbishop
- 1917 : Hans Bals , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1917 : Oscar Romero , Archbishop of El Salvador, representative of liberation theology and martyr
- 1918 : Anton Freiherr von Aretin , German politician
- 1918 : Raymond Gallois-Montbrun , French violinist and composer
- 1918 : Ernst Rudolph , German carom player
- 1919 : Maria Mucke , German singer and actress
- 1919 : Ota Janeček , Czech illustrator, painter, graphic artist
- 1920 : Konstantin Prinz von Bayern , German politician, Member of the Bundestag, Member of the Bundestag
- 1921 : Eckart Afheldt , German military
- 1922 : Lukas Foss , American composer
- 1922 : Ludwig Gruber , Bavarian Gstanzl singer and dialect poet
- 1923 : Gé van Dijk , Dutch football player
- 1924 : Werner Abrolat , German actor
- 1924 : Jo Benkow , Norwegian politician
- 1924 : Robert Bolt , British playwright and screenwriter
- 1924 : Hedy Epstein , German writer and civil rights activist
- 1924 : Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger , German-speaking Jewish writer
- 1924 : Muhammad Nawaz , Pakistani javelin thrower
- 1925 : Leonie Ossowski , German writer
- 1925 : Oscar Peterson , Canadian jazz pianist and composer
- 1925 : Rose Maddox , American country singer
- 1926 : Armin Andrä , German maxillofacial surgeon and dentist
- 1926 : Julius Katchen , American pianist
- 1926 : Konstantinos Stefanopoulos , Greek politician, president
- 1926 : Karl Heinz Türk , German homeland researcher
- 1927 : Gérard Aké Loba , Ivorian writer
- 1927 : John Cranko , British dancer and choreographer
- 1927 : Günter Dohrow , German athlete and handball player
- 1927 : Gerhard Dünnhaupt , German Germanist, bibliographer and book historian
- 1927 : Albin Sättler , German artist
- 1928 : Paul Adderley , Bahamas politician
- 1928 : Carl Joachim Classen , German classical philologist
- 1928 : Mohammed Haji Ibrahim Egal , Prime Minister of Somalia
- 1928 : Nicolas Roeg , British film director
- 1929 : Dieter G. Eberl , German writer
- 1929 : Eugene Braunwald , American cardiologist
- 1930 : Jackie Brenston , American blues musician
- 1930 : Albert Ndele , Congolese politician, Governor of the Central Bank of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- 1930 : Gabriel Toubia , Lebanese Archbishop
- 1931 : Richard F. Heck , American chemist (Heck reaction) , Nobel Prize winner
- 1931 : Helga Erny b. Klein , German athlete, Olympic medalist
- 1931 : Charlotte Zwerin , American filmmaker
- 1933 : Wolfram Engels , German economist
- 1933 : Bobby Helms , American country singer
- 1934 : Nino Ferrer , French singer
- 1934 : Bo-Boliko Lokonga Monse Mihambo , Congolese politician, Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- 1934 : Seth Morehead , American baseball player
- 1935 : Jim Dale , British actor and comedian
- 1935 : Waldemar Baszanowski , Polish weightlifter
- 1935 : Jürgen Werner , German football player
- 1936 : Lothar Buchmann , German soccer player and coach
- 1936 : Mike Henry , American actor and football player
- 1936 : Karl Hesse , German religious, Archbishop of Rabaul in Papua New Guinea
- 1936 : Patricia Ann Priest , American film actress
- 1937 : Philip Sulumeti , Roman Catholic Bishop of Kakamega in Kenya
- 1937 : Boungnang Vorachith , Laotian Prime Minister
- 1938 : Stephen Breyer , American lawyer, Supreme Court Justice
- 1938 : Janusz A. Zajdel , Polish writer
- 1940 : Gudrun Ensslin , German terrorist (RAF)
- 1940 : Helmut Kuhlmann , German politician, MdL
- 1940 : Klaus Wettig , German author, cultural manager and politician, MEP
- 1941 : Aref Arefkia , Persian singer
- 1941 : Jürgen Dietz , German Mardi Gras speaker
- 1941 : Laura Mulvey , British feminist film theorist
- 1942 : Toni Catany , Spanish photographer
- 1942 : Carol Hagemann-White , American-German sociologist
- 1942 : Alewtina Sergejewna Oljunina , Russian cross-country skier
- 1942 : Gerhard Roth , German biologist and brain researcher
- 1942 : Stefano Sebastiani , Italian racing driver
- 1942 : Friede Springer , German publisher, widow of Axel Springer
- 1942 : Herwig Sturm , Austrian Bishop of the Evangelical Church AB
- 1942 : Pete York , British rock musician, drummer
- 1943 : Barbara Bouchet , German-American actress
- 1943 : Jean-Luc Mandaba , Central African politician, Prime Minister
- 1943 : María Rojo , Mexican actress and senator
- 1944 : Gianfranco Ferré , Italian fashion designer and entrepreneur
- 1944 : Manfred Horstmanshoff , Dutch medical historian
- 1944 : Sylvie Vartan , French singer and actress
- 1944 : Franz Vogler , German ski racer
- 1944 : Detert Zylmann , German archaeologist
- 1945 : Rainer Brechtken , German politician and sports official
- 1945 : Alain Juppé , French politician, foreign and prime minister
- 1945 : Nigel Terry , British actor
- 1945 : Gene Upshaw , American football player and official
- 1945 : Khaleda Zia , Bengali politician, Prime Minister of Bangladesh
- 1946 : Jimmy Webb , American singer and songwriter
- 1947 : Nicole Duclos , French athlete
- 1947 : Wanda Schmid , Swiss author
- 1948 : Uschi Digard , Swedish actress, erotic actress and photo model
- 1948 : Tom Johnston , American singer and guitarist
- 1948 : Rudolf Rengier , German lawyer
- 1949 : Garry Disher , Australian writer
- 1950 : Tommy Aldridge , American drummer
- 1950 : Kurt Andermann , German historian and archivist
- 1950 : Volker Fischer , German fencer
- 1950 : Neil J. Gunther , Australian scientist
- 1950 : Anne Mountbatten-Windsor , British princess, daughter of Elizabeth II.
- 1950 : Jorma Ollila , Finnish entrepreneur
- 1950 : Gaylen Ross , American filmmaker and actress
- 1950 : Erwin Stricker , Italian ski racer and entrepreneur
- 1951 : Herfried Münkler , German political scientist
- 1952 : Jirō Atsumi , Japanese enka singer
- 1952 : Barbara Imhof , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1952 : Bernard Lacombe , French football player
- 1952 : Rudi Kargus , German soccer player and painter
- 1953 : Wolfgang Hohlbein , German writer
- 1953 : Joaquín Montañés , Spanish-German soccer player
- 1953 : Judith Szücs , Hungarian pop singer
- 1953 : Mark Thatcher , British entrepreneur and racing car driver
- 1954 : Walter Raizner , German manager
- 1955 : Davy Sidjanski , American publisher
- 1955 : Andreas C. Wankum , German entrepreneur and politician
- 1955 : Uli Spieß , Austrian ski racer
- 1955 : Roger Willemsen , German publicist, author, essayist and television presenter
- 1956 : Paulo Autuori de Mello , Brazilian soccer coach
- 1956 : Laurel Hester , American police officer and gay activist
- 1956 : Russ Tolman , American singer-songwriter, singer, guitarist, composer, lyricist, and music producer
- 1957 : Per-Gunnar Andersson , Swedish racing car driver
- 1959 : Scott Douglas Altman , American astronaut
- 1959 : Wolfgang Jost , German neurologist and scientist
- 1960 : Karlheinz Essl jun. , Austrian composer
- 1960 : Susanne Mischke , German writer and screenwriter
- 1960 : Peter Nöthel , German chef
- 1961 : Chris Brown , American baseball player
- 1961 : Matt Johnson , British musician
- 1961 : Dietmar Mögenburg , German athlete
- 1961 : Suhasini , Indian actress
- 1962 : Gregor Amann , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1962 : Christoph Hegge , German auxiliary bishop in the diocese of Münster
- 1962 : Moreno Mannini , Italian soccer player
- 1962 : David Zayas , American actor
- 1963 : Valery Levonevsky , Belarusian political and social activist
- 1963 : Alejandro González Iñárritu , Mexican film director
- 1963 : Gregor Kathstede , German politician, Lord Mayor of Krefeld
- 1963 : Anders Nilsson , Swedish director
- 1964 : André Golke , German soccer player
- 1964 : Sam Schmidt , American racing car driver, racing team owner and businessman
- 1965 : Hartmut Rosa , German sociologist and political scientist
- 1965 : Rob Thomas , American writer, screenwriter, and television producer
- 1966 : Evgeny Agrest , Swedish chess player
- 1966 : Chokri El Ouaer , Tunisian football player
- 1966 : Jeong Yu-jeong , South Korean author
- 1966 : Kazuto Sakata , Japanese motorcycle racer
- 1967 : Brahim Boutayeb , Moroccan athlete
- 1968 : Jeremy Peter Allen , Canadian film director, screenwriter, film editor and film producer
- 1968 : Massimo Ceccaroni , Swiss football player
- 1968 : Karen Heinrich , German handball player
- 1968 : Debra Messing , American actress
- 1968 : Klaus Ofner , Austrian Nordic combined athlete
- 1968 : Honke Rambow , German electronic musician and publicist
- 1969 : Yoshiyuki Abe , Japanese racing cyclist
- 1969 : Bernard Fanning , Australian musician ( Powderfinger )
- 1969 : Carlos Roa , Argentine soccer player
- 1969 : Rainer Maria Salzgeber , Swiss sports journalist, moderator and editor
- 1970 : Anthony Anderson , American actor and comedian
- 1970 : Chris Byrd , American boxer
- 1971 : Serhiy Shcherbakov , Ukrainian football player
- 1972 : Ben Affleck , American actor
- 1972 : Mikey Graham , Irish singer
- 1973 : Tomasz Górski , Polish politician
- 1973 : Nebojša Krupniković , Serbian football player
- 1973 : Adam Willard , American drummer
- 1974 : Daniele Contrini , Italian racing cyclist
- 1974 : Matthias Hagner , German soccer player
- 1974 : Natasha Henstridge , Canadian actress
- 1974 : Patrick Singleton , Bermudian skeleton rider
- 1974 : Birgit Wiedel Weidinger , German actress
- 1974 : Maxim Wengerow , Russian violinist
- 1975 : Valandis Anagnostou , Greek football player
- 1975 : Yoshikatsu Kawaguchi , Japanese soccer player
- 1975 : Brendan Morrison , Canadian ice hockey player
- 1976 : Abiy Ahmed , Ethiopian politician, prime minister and Nobel Peace Prize laureate
- 1976 : Dmitri Fofonov , Kazakh racing cyclist
- 1976 : Marcel Strauss , Swiss cyclist
- 1976 : Boudewijn Zenden , Dutch football player
- 1977 : Martin Biron , Canadian ice hockey player
- 1978 : Jens Gaiser , German Nordic combined athlete
- 1978 : Cam Severson , Canadian ice hockey player
- 1978 : Adel Tawil , German singer
- 1979 : Courtney Atkinson , Australian duathlete and triathlete
- 1979 : Sarah Maria Besgen , German actress and photographer
- 1979 : Tong Jian , Chinese figure skater
- 1979 : Constantin Lücke , German actor
- 1980 : Giampaolo Caruso , Italian racing cyclist
- 1980 : Ilya Sergejewitsch Klimkin , Russian figure skater
- 1980 : Slobodan Ocokoljić , Serbian basketball player
- 1980 : Natalie Press , British actress
- 1981 : Silvan Zurbriggen , Swiss ski racer
- 1982 : Steve Zacchia , Swiss racing car driver
- 1983 : Tom Lass , German actor
- 1983 : Timati , Russian rapper
- 1984 : Quinton Aaron , American actor
- 1984 : Ankerstjerne , Danish rapper and songwriter
- 1985 : Nipsey Hussle , American rapper
- 1985 : Anika Lehmann , German actress
- 1986 : Natalia Kills , American musician, actress, songwriter and singer / rapper
- 1986 : Victor Oreskovich , Canadian ice hockey player
- 1988 : Oussama Assaidi , Moroccan football player
- 1988 : Antje Peveling , German handball player
- 1988 : Sanne Troelsgaard Nielsen , Danish soccer player
- 1989 : Belinda , Mexican pop rock singer
- 1989 : Joe Jonas , American singer ( Jonas Brothers )
- 1989 : Mario Kirew , Bulgarian football player
- 1989 : Ryan McGowan , Australian soccer player
- 1989 : Carlos Pena , American actor, singer, songwriter and dancer
- 1990 : Aglaja Brix , German actress
- 1990 : Filippa Idéhn , Swedish handball player

Jennifer Lawrence (* 1990)
- 1990 : Jennifer Lawrence , American actress
- 1990 : Chardente Ndoulou , Congolese soccer player
- 1992 : Baskaran Adhiban , Indian chess master
- 1993 : Dominique Heintz , German soccer player
- 1994 : Lina Magull , German soccer player
- 1994 : Ayouba Ali Sihame , Comorian swimmer
- 1995 : Zhao Shuai , Chinese Taekwondoin
- 1996 : Lumor , Ghanaian soccer player
- 1996 : Samuel Röthlisberger , Swiss handball player
- 1996 : Stefan Salger , German handball player
- 1998 : Paul Grauschopf , German soccer player
- 1998 : Gulliver McGrath , Australian actor
- 2000 : Franklyn Jann Aunitz , German basketball player
Before the 16th century
- 388 : Shapur III. , Persian king
- 423 : Honorius , first Western Roman emperor
- 778 : Hruotland , Breton margrave and hero of the Roland song
- 874 : Altfrid , Bishop of Hildesheim
- 952 : Suzaku , 61st Tennō of Japan
- 1022 : Nikephoros Phokas Barytrachelos , Byzantine patrician and usurper
- 1038 : Stephan I , first king of Hungary
- 1057 : Macbeth , King of Scotland
- 1066 : Ibn al-Farrā ' , Islamic scholar
- 1087 : Arnulf von Soissons , saint of the Roman Catholic Church
- 1116 : Pseudo-Leon Diogenes , Byzantine usurper
- 1118 : Alexios I Komnenos , Byzantine emperor
- 1127 : Richard de Capella , Bishop of Hereford
- 1145 : Rupert von Ottobeuren , prior in the St. Georgen monastery in the Black Forest, abbot of Ottobeuren, monastery reformer and saint of the Catholic Church
- 1196 : Conrad II , Duke of Swabia
- 1257 : Hyacinth of Poland , Polish nobleman and clergyman, founder of the Dominican order in Poland
- 1274 : Robert von Sorbon , French theologian
- 1275 : Lorenzo Tiepolo , Doge of Venice
- 1279 : Albrecht I the Great , Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg
- 1285 : Philip I , Count of Savoy
- 1328 : Yesun Timur Khan , Chinese emperor of the Yuan dynasty
- 1388 : Adalbertus Ranconis de Ericinio , Czech philosopher and theologian
- 1388 : Vojtěch Raňkův z Ježova , Czech theologian and philosopher
- 1392 : Marquard von Lindau , south German Franciscan and author of theological writings
- 1466 : Ital Reding the Younger , Schwyzer Landammann and Captain in the Old Zurich War
- 1469 : Johann von Mengede , Landmeister of the Teutonic Order
- 1485 : Albrecht II , Duke of the Principality of Grubenhagen
- 1487 : Lorenz III. von Freiberg , Bishop of Gurk
- 1496 : Isabella of Portugal , Queen of Castile and Léon
16th to 18th century
- 1501 : Konstantinos Laskaris , Byzantine scholar, classical philologist and humanist
- 1504 : Agnes III. von Anhalt , abbess of the imperial monastery of Gandersheim
- 1506 : Alexander Agricola , German-Dutch composer, singer and instrumentalist
- 1507 : Johann IV. , Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg
- 1512 : Imperia Cognati , Roman courtesan
- 1516 : Jacques de Croÿ , Benedictine priest, patron of the arts and Prince-Bishop of Cambrai, and illegitimate regent of the Principality of Liège
- 1517 : Ottilie von Katzenelnbogen , wife of Margrave Christoph I of Baden
- 1528 : Odet de Foix , French military leader, Marshal of France
- 1552 : Hermann V. von Wied , Archbishop of Cologne
- 1558 : Paul Lautensack , German painter
- 1568 : Stanislaus Kostka , Jesuit and national patron of Poland
- 1576 : Valentin Bakfark , Hungarian composer
- 1582 : Francisco de Toledo , Spanish military leader and viceroy of Peru
- 1592 : Konrad Limmer , Protestant theologian, reformer and confessionalist
- 1617 : Christopher Newport , English navigator and pirate
- 1666 : Adam Schall von Bell , German scientist and missionary
- 1675 : Nicholas Easton , English politician
- 1699 : Albrecht III. , Duke of Saxe-Coburg
- 1702 : Charles of Lorraine-Commercy , imperial field marshal
- 1704 : Dominicus Bassus , Swiss-German lawyer
- 1708 : Jacob von Sandrart , engraver and publisher in Nuremberg
- 1714 : Constantin Brâncoveanu , Prince of Wallachia
- 1714 : Anna Mons , Westphalian lover of Peter the Great
- 1725 : Gerhard Noodt , Dutch lawyer
- 1728 : Marin Marais , French viol player and composer
- 1729 : Benjamin Neukirch , German poet
- 1758 : Pierre Bouguer , French geodesist and astronomer
- 1760 : Heinrich August Schumacher , German historian and educator
- 1767 : Friedrich Michael von Pfalz-Birkenfeld , Count Palatine of Pfalz-Birkenfeld
- 1776 : Franz Xaver Kleinhans , Austrian architect, court and monastery builder of the Rococo
- 1794 : François de Théas Count von Thoranc , French officer and art collector
- 1795 : Carl Friedrich Gerstlacher , German lawyer, publicist, university professor and civil servant
- 1798 : Edward Waring , British mathematician
- 1799 : Barthélemy-Catherine Joubert , French general
19th century
- 1807 : Johannes Nikolaus Tetens , German philosopher, mathematician and natural scientist
- 1815 : Richard Bassett , American politician
- 1819 : Cornelius Hermann von Ayrenhoff , Austrian officer and author
- 1824 : Carl Arnold Kortum , German doctor and writer
- 1826 : Franz Dinnendahl , designer of the first steam engine in the Ruhr area
- 1826 : Theodor Albert Anton Muther , German legal scholar and historian
- 1828 : Agriolidis , Ottoman leader of the Janissaries
- 1835 : Hartwig von Hundt-Radowsky , German author and pioneer of partially eliminatory anti-Semitism
- 1835 : Werner Jasper Andreas von Moltke , Danish nobleman, governor of the Faroe Islands
- 1841 : Elizabeth Gould , British illustrator
- 1850 : Johann Werner Henschel , German sculptor
- 1852 : Johan Gadolin , Finnish chemist
- 1852 : Jakob Ihrler , German master stonemason and quarry owner
- 1857 : Johann Friedrich Naumann , German ornithologist, founder of ornithology in Central Europe
- 1857 : Christian Schreiber , German theologian, philologist, philosopher, poet and educationalist
- 1860 : Juliane von Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld , Russian Grand Duchess
- 1861 : Adolphe Dumas , French poet, playwright and Provençalist
- 1864 : Wilhelm Harnisch , German theologian and educator
- 1866 : Karl Gustav Amelung , German mining official
- 1870 : Charles Jean Jacques Joseph Ardant du Picq , French colonel
- 1876 : John Frederick Lewis , British painter
- 1884 : Julius Friedrich Cohnheim , German pathologist
- 1884 : Gustav Pfarrius , German poet, teacher and professor
- 1885 : Jens Jacob Asmussen Worsaae , Danish archaeologist and prehistory
- 1886 : Julius Carl Friedrich Aßmann , German watchmaker
- 1889 : Theodor Christlieb , German Protestant theologian
- 1889 : Ludwig Foglár , Austrian lawyer and writer
- 1889 : Elias Loomis , American mathematician, meteorologist, and astronomer
- 1898 : Jakob Lindau , German politician from Baden, MdR
- 1899 : Ernst von Zitzewitz , Prussian colonel, landowner and politician
- 1900 : John Anderson , Scottish zoologist
- 1900 : Gustav Flügel , German composer
20th century
- 1901 : Julie Hausmann , German-Baltic poet
- 1901 : Karl Weinhold , German Germanist
- 1903 : Paul Händler , German history painter
- 1904 : John Henry Kinkead , American politician
- 1905 : Horst Lommer , German lawyer
- 1907 : Joseph Joachim , violinist of Hungarian origin, conductor and composer
- 1908 : Anton Giulio Barrili , Italian poet
- 1909 : Euclides da Cunha , Brazilian author, sociologist and military engineer
- 1910 : Constantin Fahlberg , German industrialist and chemist, inventor of saccharin
- 1911 : Albert Ladenburg , German chemist
- 1914 : Franz Georg von Glasenapp , German general
- 1915 : Pascual Orozco , Mexican revolutionary and general
- 1915 : Rudolf Watzl , Austrian wrestler
- 1917 : Philippine von Edelsberg , Austrian opera singer
- 1917 : Gustav Körte , German archaeologist
- 1918 : Heinrich Köselitz , German writer and composer
- 1921 : Philipp Heinrich Ast , German shepherd and herbalist
- 1923 : Hans Friedrich Geitel , German physicist
- 1923 : Vali von der Osten , German soprano
- 1925 : Konrad Mägi , Estonian painter
- 1925 : Martin Weinrich , German teacher and author
- 1927 : Gladys Roy , American wingwalker, barn stormer, stunt woman and film actress
- 1929 : Pilar Fernández de la Mora , Spanish pianist and music teacher
- 1930 : Hermann Hiltl , Austrian officer, leader of the Front Fighter Association of German Austria
- 1931 : Franz Herwig , German writer and critic
- 1934 : Guy Moll , Algerian racing car driver
- 1935 : Adauctus Aurélio de Miranda Henriques , Brazilian Archbishop
- 1935 : Will Rogers , American comedian and entertainer
- 1935 : Paul Signac , French painter
- 1936 : Grazia Deledda , Italian writer
- 1936 : Stanisław Niewiadomski , Polish composer, conductor, music teacher and critic (* 1859 )
- 1937 : Franz Feldmann , German politician, MdR
- 1937 : Karl Helling , German chess player
- 1938 : Nicola Romeo , Italian engineer and entrepreneur
- 1942 : Otto von Falke , German art historian
- 1942 : Bernhard Wensch , German Catholic priest, opponent and victim of National Socialism
- 1944 : Hans Bernd von Haeften , German lawyer, diplomat and resistance fighter of July 20, 1944
- 1944 : Egbert Hayessen , German officer and resistance fighter of July 20, 1944
- 1944 : Wolf-Heinrich von Helldorff , German police chief of Berlin, general of the police, SA general, confidante of the assassination attempt of July 20, 1944
- 1944 : Bernhard Klamroth , German officer and resistance fighter of July 20, 1944
- 1945 : Anami Korechika , Japanese general and minister of war
- 1945 : Oskar Picht , German inventor of the blind typewriter
- 1946 : Charles Amberg , German librettist, songwriter and composer
- 1947 : Nils Andersson , Swedish football player
- 1947 : Hermann Eris Busse , German local writer and folklorist
- 1948 : George Tallis , Australian theater entrepreneur
- 1949 : August Blepp , German painter
- 1951 : Sante Geminiani , Italian motorcycle racer
- 1951 : Gianni Leoni , Italian motorcycle racer
- 1951 : Artur Schnabel , Austrian pianist and composer
- 1952 : Richard Adamík , Czech doctor and moral idealist
- 1952 : Armida Barelli , Italian activist of the women's movement
- 1952 : Jesse Thoor , German-Austrian writer
- 1953 : Anton Aberle , German-Swiss architect
- 1953 : Ludwig Prandtl , German physicist
- 1954 : Alfred Wilhelm Anschütz , German surgeon and university professor
- 1958 : Big Bill Broonzy , American blues musician
- 1959 : François Lecot , French racing car driver
- 1961 : Percy Charles Austin , English football player
- 1961 : Rudolf Kummerer , Austrian composer
- 1961 : Mario Sironi , Italian painter
- 1962 : Victor Emanuel Anderson , American politician
- 1962 : Dan Bain , Canadian ice hockey player
- 1962 : Lei Feng , Chinese revolutionary
- 1963 : Leonard Heaton , Canadian pianist and music teacher
- 1963 : Vsevolod Vyacheslavovich Ivanov , Russian writer
- 1963 : John Powell , American pianist and composer
- 1963 : Fritz Strich , German literary scholar
- 1964 : Samuel William Becker , American dermatologist
- 1965 : Pavel Sergejewitsch Abankin , Soviet admiral
- 1965 : René Léonard , French racing car driver
- 1965 : Fritz Rienecker , German Protestant publicist, pastor and theologian
- 1966 : Jan Kiepura , Polish tenor
- 1966 : Gerhart Pohl , German writer and editor
- 1967 : René Magritte , Belgian surrealist painter
- 1967 : Manuel Prado y Ugarteche , Peruvian President
- 1968 : Luis Gianneo , Argentine composer
- 1968 : Fritz Held , German politician (FDP)
- 1970 : Karl Andersen , Norwegian cellist and composer
- 1971 : Paul Lukas , Hungarian-American actor
- 1971 : Thomas Wayne , American rockabilly and pop singer
- 1972 : Frieda Hauke , German politician, MdR
- 1974 : Otto Braun , German writer, party functionary, military advisor and first secretary of the GDR Writers' Association
- 1975 : Mujibur Rahman , founder of Bangladesh
- 1979 : Asa Martin , American old-time musician
- 1981 : Alfred Barr , American art historian and founding director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York
- 1981 : Karl Gero von Urach , head of the House of Urach
- 1982 : Lawrence Quincy Mumford , American librarian, director of the Library of Congress
- 1982 : Jock Taylor , British motorcycle racer
- 1982 : Hugo Theorell , Swedish biochemist, Nobel Prize winner
- 1983 : Marc Porel , French actor
- 1986 : Silvia Eisenstein , Argentine-Venezuelan pianist, composer, conductor and music teacher
- 1986 : Winthrop Sargeant , American music critic
- 1988 : Hans Heinz Stuckenschmidt , German music historian
- 1989 : Heinrich Krone , German politician, Federal Minister, Member of the Bundestag
- 1989 : Genda Minoru , Japanese Air Force general and politician
- 1990 : Viktor Robertowitsch Zoi , Russian rock singer
- 1992 : Giorgio Perlasca , Italian fascist and savior of thousands of Jews in Budapest
- 1992 : Erwin Stein , German politician, MdL, state minister, lawyer and judge at the Federal Constitutional Court
- 1993 : Jack Austin , British pioneer of European Buddhism
- 1993 : Robert Kempner , German lawyer, deputy chief prosecutor at the Nuremberg war crimes trials
- 1994 : Paul Anderson , American weightlifter
- 1994 : Wilhelm Kämmerer , German engineer and computer pioneer of the GDR
- 1996 : Liesel Christ , Frankfurt folk actress
- 1996 : Albert Osswald , German politician, Prime Minister of Hesse
- 1996 : Max Thurian , Swiss theologian
- 1997 : Lubka Kolessa , Canadian pianist
- 2000 : Helmut Coing , German legal scholar, President of the University Rectors' Conference, Chairman of the Science Council
- 2000 : Fred Gebhardt , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 2000 : Robert Swink , American film editor
21st century
- 2002 : Heinz-Josef Adamski , German historian, folklorist and high school teacher
- 2002 : Alberto Bertuccelli , Italian football player
- 2002 : Jesse Brown , American politician
- 2003 : Gerhard Mauz , German journalist
- 2004 : Sune Bergström , Swedish biochemist, Nobel Prize winner
- 2004 : Walter Gehlhoff , German diplomat
- 2005 : James Dougherty , American police officer, first husband of Marilyn Monroe
- 2005 : Thomas Zhao Fengwu , Roman Catholic Bishop of Yanzhou
- 2005 : Wolfgang Rauchfuß , German politician, member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED and deputy. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the GDR
- 2005 : Herta Ware , American actress and theater director
- 2005 : Joyce Wein , American music and festival manager
- 2005 : Earl Zindars , American jazz composer and percussionist
- 2006 : Tetsuhiko Asai , Japanese karate master
- 2006 : Te Atairangikaahu , Maori Queen of New Zealand
- 2006 : Rick Bourke , Australian rugby player
- 2006 : Klaus Konrad , German politician, Member of the Bundestag, Member of the Bundestag
- 2006 : Ray Romero , Puerto Rican percussionist
- 2006 : Peter Schwerdtner , German legal scholar
- 2006 : Faas Wilkes , Dutch soccer player
- 2009 : Uncle Kånkel , actually Håkan Florå , Swedish punk musician
- 2010 : Walter Werner Ameling , German electrical engineer
- 2010 : Ghazi al-Gosaibi , Saudi Arabian writer and diplomat
- 2010 : Franz Freiherr von Hammerstein-Equord , German Protestant theologian
- 2011 : Morgan Stars , American actor
- 2012 : Harry Harrison , American science fiction writer
- 2012 : Elisabeth von Janota-Bzowski , German artist
- 2012 : Ashok Mehta , Indian cameraman
- 2012 : Arbën Xhaferi , Macedonian politician
- 2013 : Sławomir Mrożek , Polish writer and playwright
- 2014 : Jan Ekier , Polish pianist, composer and music teacher
- 2015 : Rafael Chirbes , Spanish writer
- 2015 : Max Greger , German jazz musician and big band leader
- 2015 : Peter Hofmann , German chemist
- 2016 : Dalian Atkinson , English football player
- 2016 : Bobby Hutcherson , American jazz musician
- 2017 : Gunnar Birkerts , Latvian-American architect
- 2017 : Eberhard Jäckel , German historian
Holidays and memorial days
- Church memorial days
- St. Mary (mother of Jesus) :
- Assumption of Mary , Solemnity (Anglican, Catholic, Orthodox)
- Anniversary of Mary's death, memorial day (Protestant: ELCA , LCMS )
- St. Tarzisius , Roman martyr and patron saint of altar servers (Catholic)
- Hermann V. von Wied , Archbishop of Cologne (Protestant)
- St. Mary (mother of Jesus) :
- Name days
- State holidays and memorial days
- India : independence from Great Britain (1947)
- Italy : Ferragosto
- Republic of the Congo : independence from France (1960)
- Liechtenstein : national holiday
- North Korea and South Korea : Independence Day from Japan (1945)
- Poland : Polish Army Day
The list of days of remembrance and action contains further entries .
Commons : August 15th - Collection of images, videos and audio files