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Calendar overview 1819
1819 | |
August von Kotzebue is murdered by Karl Ludwig Sand . | |
Simón Bolívar becomes President of Greater Colombia, newly created at the Angostura Congress . | The first professional balloonist, Sophie Blanchard, is killed in a balloon accident. |
1819 in other calendars | |
Armenian calendar | 1267/68 (turn of the year July) |
Ethiopian calendar | 1811/12 (September 11-12) |
Bengali solar calendar | 1224/25 (beginning of April 14th or 15th) |
Buddhist calendar | 2362/63 (southern Buddhism); 2361/62 (alternative calculation according to Buddha's Parinirvana ) |
Chinese calendar | 75th (76th) cycle
Year of the Earth- Rabbit 己卯 ( at the beginning of the year Earth-Tiger戊寅) |
Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) | 1181/82 (turn of the year April) |
Dangun era (Korea) | 4152/53 (October 2/3) |
Iranian calendar | 1197/98 |
Islamic calendar | 1234/1235 (turn of the year 19/20 October) |
Jewish calendar | 5579/80 (September 19-20) |
Coptic calendar | 1535/36 (September 11-12) |
Malayalam calendar | 994/995 |
Seleucid era | Babylon: 2129/30 (turn of the year April)
Syria: 2130/31 (turn of the year October) |
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) | 1875/76 (April) |
Politics and world events
German Confederation
- March 23 : The fraternity member Karl Ludwig Sand kills the author and Russian consul general August von Kotzebue in Mannheim because he sees him as an enemy of German unity. This is the climax of the Breslau gymnastics feud , which eventually leads to the Karlovy Vary resolutions and the gymnastics ban .
- July 1 : The Idstein pharmacist Karl Löning , who is connected to the " Blacks in Giessen ", a radical fraternity, carried out an assassination attempt on the liberal Nassau government president Carl Friedrich Emil von Ibell in Bad Schwalbach , which however failed. Since Ibell's views are liberal and liberal, anti-Semitism is probably one of the reasons for the act of imitation , because von Ibell is a proponent of Jewish emancipation .
- August 1 : In Teplitz the Foreign Minister of the Austrian Empire, Metternich , agrees with the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III. and its state chancellor Hardenberg the Teplitz punctuation on precautions against "state-endangering efforts", the introduction of censorship and surveillance measures and the fight against liberalism and nationalism in the German Confederation.
- August 2 : The Hep-Hep riots begin in Würzburg . Anti-Jewish demonstrations and riots spread to other cities in Germany in the following days.
- August 6 : In Karlsbad one to begin Aug. 31 permanent ministerial conference to combat liberal and national tendencies in Germany .
- August 31 : With the Karlovy Vary resolutions , a ministerial congress comes to an end. The recommendations to the German Bundestag provide for drastic restrictions on the freedom of universities and the freedom of the press . The monarchical principle is consolidated and the persecution of demagogues is sought.
- September 20 : The Bundestag in Frankfurt am Main approves the Karlsbad resolutions in an urgent procedure . With four laws, the Execution Code , the University Act , the Press Act and the Investigation Act, they ban public written freedom of expression and fraternities , monitor universities, close gymnasiums , censure the press, and dismiss and bans liberal and nationally minded people Professors who convey their attitude to their students. The press law in particular prevents or hinders the dissemination of “seditious” concepts, ideas and thoughts.
- September 25 : Württemberg receives a constitution .
- December 7th : Hanover receives a constitution .
Great Britain
- August 16 : The Peterloo massacre , a cavalry attack at a protest rally against the Corn Laws at St. Peter's Field near Manchester , kills eleven people and injures over 400.
South America
- February 15 : Beginning of the Angostura Congress : The former Spanish possessions Venezuela and Colombia unite to form Greater Colombia , Simón Bolívar becomes President of the Federation.
- August 7th : Simón Bolívar defeats the Spanish troops in the Battle of Boyacá , brings Bogotá under his rule and thus consolidates the independence of New Granada .
North America
- February 22 : The Adams-Onís Treaty , negotiated by the two foreign ministers John Quincy Adams and Luis de Onís, redefines the border between the viceroyalty of New Spain and the United States; Spain is selling its colonies of East and West Florida to the United States for $ 5 million . In return, they waive claims in Texas west of the Sabine River .
- March 6 : McCulloch v. Maryland
- September 24 : Treaty of Saginaw
- December 14th : Alabama becomes the 22nd state in the United States .
- February 6th : Treaty between Hussein Shah of Johor and the British Stamford Raffles , which guarantees the British possession of the island of Singapore.
- February 19 : The Camélias off course British navigator William Smith discovered in the West Antarctic located Livingston Island . Harvesting disbelief, he returns to the region in October and fully explores the subarctic South Shetland Islands .
- January 29th : Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles establishes port and branch for the British East India Company in the fishing village of Singapore .
- October 4th : The Erste Österreichische Spar-Casse , secured by an association founded by Pastor Johann Baptist Weber, accepts its first savings deposits in Vienna .
- The Bank of Upper Canada is founded.
- Foundation of the first seaside resort in Schleswig-Holstein in the municipality of Wyk auf Föhr ( North Friesland )
science and technology
- January 20 : The Scientific Society for Germany's Older History is founded in Frankfurt am Main under the decisive influence of Baron Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom Stein . In the following years she edited the Monumenta Germaniae Historica .
- January 25 : Thomas Jefferson founds the University of Virginia .
- February 8 : The Pedagogical Institute in the Russian capital Saint Petersburg is awarded university status. Over time, it will become the State University of Saint Petersburg .
- July 7th : The first professional balloonist Sophie Blanchard is killed in a balloon accident.
- Pierre-Louis Dulong and Alexis Thérèse Petit draw up their law on the specific heat capacity of solid bodies .
- David Brewster publishes his invention of the kaleidoscope ( Treatise on the caleidoscope Edinburgh).
- Invention of the siren by Charles Cagniard de la Tour
Visual arts
- November 19 : In Madrid , the King Ferdinand VII. , Following the example of the Paris Louvre created Museo Real de Pintura y Escultura ( Royal Museum of Painting and Sculpture ), later Museo del Prado , inaugurated.
- December 8th : The Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III. founds the plaster molding shop in Berlin.
- Théodore Géricault completes the painting The Raft of Medusa in oil on canvas , in which he treats the fate of the French frigate Méduse in 1816 .
- ETA Hoffmann publishes his short story Klein Zaches called Zinnober . On January 24th, he sent Prince Pückler-Muskau an author's copy that he had corrected himself.
- April 1st : The Vampyre , the short story by John Polidori , is the first known vampire tale to appear in London's New Monthly Magazine .
- May: As part of the fifth single issue of his sketch book , Washington Irving's short story Rip Van Winkle appears in New York for the first time . It is considered one of the first short stories in American literature .
- July 3 : The Brothers Grimm write the foreword to the second edition of their children's and household tales . In the work published in the same year, the folk tale The Bremen Town Musicians is included for the first time . The second edition, considered to be the most important in the history of editions, also became the basis for the first translations, including into English.
- Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff published his novella Das Marmorbild in the women's pocketbook for 1819 . Although it is a work of Romanticism , the inspiration for it comes from a ghost story by the Baroque poet Eberhard Werner Happel from 1687 .
Music and theater
- March 27th : The opera Ermione by Gioachino Rossini with a libretto by Andrea Leone Tottola based on Jean Racine's Andromache from 1667 has its world premiere on March 27th at the Teatro San Carlo in Naples. Among others, Isabella Colbran , Rosmunda Pisaroni and Giovanni David will sing . Despite the first-class cast, the performance was received indifferently by the audience and the work was no longer performed during Rossini's lifetime.
- April 24 : The Opera Eduardo e Cristina by Gioachino Rossini with an originally for an opera by Stefano Pavesi created libretto by Giovanni Schmidt , the Rossini by Andrea Leone Tottola was revised and Gherardo Bevilacqua-Aldobrandini has its acclaimed premiere at the Teatro San Benedetto in Venice.
- September 24th or October 24th : The opera La donna del lago by Gioacchino Rossini has its world premiere at the Teatro San Carlo in Naples. The libretto was written by Andrea Leone Tottola based on the 1810 narrative poem The Lady of the Lake by Walter Scott . Isabella Colbran sings the title role. The premiere is not a great success, but the later performances are better received.
- December 26th : The world premiere of the opera Bianca e Falliero ossia Il consiglio dei tre ( Bianca and Falliero or The Council of Three ) by Gioacchino Rossini takes place at the Teatro alla Scala di Milano in Milan.
- Carl Maria von Weber composes the Rondo for piano solo Invitation to dance .
- Robert Stewart, 2nd Marquess of Londonderry , founds the Travelers Club in London , a gentlemen's club for men who have been abroad at least once and have stayed at least 500 miles as the crow flies from London.
nature and environment
- October 13 : A meteorite falls in Pohlitz near Gera in Thuringia around 8 a.m. Weight 3 kg
January February
- January 1 : Arthur Hugh Clough , English writer († 1861 )
- January 1 : George F. Shepley , American politician († 1878 )
- January 3 : Franziska Schervier , personality of the charitable-social movement († 1876 )
- January 3 : Charles Piazzi Smyth , Scottish astronomer and esotericist († 1900 )
- January 6 : Robert C. Wickliffe , American politician († 1895 )
- January 8 : Timothy C. Day , American politician († 1869 )
- January 10 : Karl Heine , lawyer, entrepreneur and industrial pioneer in Leipzig († 1888 )
- January 12 : Joseph Crèvecoeur , French composer († 1891 )
- January 16 : Heinrich Wilhelm Stoll , German classical philologist († 1890 )
- January 19 : Louis Arthur von Briesen , Prussian Lieutenant General († 1896 )
- January 22 : Morton S. Wilkinson , American politician († 1894 )
- January 26 : Amédée de Noé , French caricaturist († 1879 )
- Butrus al-Bustani , Lebanese writer, lecturer, editor and philologist († 1883 ) January:
- February 1 : Marie Baumeister , German actress († 1887 )
- February 1 : Otto Ruppius , German writer († 1864 )
- February 5 : August Dietrich Rische , German Lutheran pastor, composer and song writer († 1906 )
- February 8 : Wilhelm Jordan , German writer and politician († 1904 )
- February 8 : John Ruskin , British painter and writer († 1900 )
- February 9 : Gustav Adolph Berthold , German writer and painter († 1894 )
- February 10 : Albert Schwegler , German theologian, philosopher and historian († 1857 )
- February 11 : Ottilie Davida Assing , German writer († 1884 )
- February 11 : Samuel Parkman Tuckerman , American composer († 1890 )
- February 12 : Sigmund Bleibtreu , Austrian theater actor, officer and painter († 1894 )
- February 14 : Christopher Latham Sholes , American printer († 1890 )
- February 16 : James K. Kelly , American politician († 1903 )
- February 17 : Philipp Jaffé , German medievalist and philologist († 1870 )

Medallion with the portrait of Max Schneckenburger
- February 17 : Max Schneckenburger , German author († 1849 )
- February 20 : Alfred Escher , Swiss politician and railway pioneer († 1882 )
- February 20 : Ludwig Simon , German politician († 1872 )
- February 22nd : Adolph Douai , German-American journalist, publisher and educator († 1888 )
- February 22 : James Russell Lowell , American poet, essayist and diplomat († 1891 )
- February 25 : Peter Friedhofen , German theologian and founder of the order († 1860 )
- February 28 : Johann Ulrich Wagner , Swiss Protestant clergyman († unknown)
March April
- March 1 : Heinrich Adolf von Bardeleben , German physician († 1895 )
- March 2 : Alois Emanuel Biedermann , Swiss Reformed theologian († 1885 )
- March 6 : Charles Émile Blanchard , French zoologist and entomologist († 1900 )
- March 8 : Preston Leslie , American politician († 1907 )
- March 9 : Frederick Smyth , American politician († 1899 )
- March 11th : Henry Tate , founder of the Tate Gallery († 1899 )
- March 12 : Henriette Nissen-Saloman , Swedish opera singer († 1879 )
- March 13 : Victor Chauffour , French university professor and politician († 1889 )
- March 19 : Theodor Harms , German theologian († 1885 )
- March 21 : Bernhard Becker , Swiss Protestant clergyman and social politician († 1879 )
- March 22 : William Wirt Adams , American Brigadier General of the Confederate Army in the American Civil War († 1888 )
- March 24th : Friedrich Theodor von Frerichs , German doctor and internist († 1885 )
- March 25 : Venceslaus Ulricus Hammershaimb , Faroese pastor and philologist († 1909 )
- March 26 : George, 2nd Duke of Cambridge , British Field Marshal († 1904 )
- March 26 : Louise Otto-Peters , German writer († 1895 )
- March 28 : Joseph Bazalgette , civil engineer († 1891 )
- March 29 : Isaac Mayer Wise , American rabbi († 1900 )
- March 31 : Clovis zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst , German statesman († 1901 )
- April 2 : Édouard Dubufe , French painter († 1883 )
- April 3 : Jean Louis Borel , French general († 1884 )
- April 4 : Maria II , Queen of Portugal († 1853 )
- April 5 : Hermann Graf von Görtz-Wrisberg , lawyer, finance specialist, Braunschweig State Minister († 1889 )
- April 7th : Wilhelm Adolph Haußner , doctor and city councilor in Pirna († 1849 )
- April 8 : George Coppin , Australian actor, theater entrepreneur and politician († 1906 )
- April 11 : Charles Hallé , pianist and conductor († 1895 )
- April 13 : Georg Eberlein , builder and painter († 1884 )
- April 16 : Gustave Chouquet , French musicologist († 1886 )
- April 18 : Carlos Manuel de Céspedes , founder of the Cuban nation († 1874 )
- April 18 : Franz von Suppè , Austrian composer and author († 1895 )
- April 19 : Johann Jakob Stadler , Swiss landscape painter († 1855 )
- April 23 : Edward Stafford , Prime Minister of New Zealand († 1901 )
- April 24 : Klaus Groth , German poet and writer († 1899 )
- April 25 : Moritz von Aberle , German theologian († 1875 )
- April 28 : Ezra Abbot , American theologian, Bible critic and university professor († 1884 )
- April 28 : Ferdinand Henry , Prussian military officer († 1891 )
May June
- May 2 : Gustav Eduard Becker , German watchmaker and founder of the Gustav Becker watch brand († 1885 )
- May 4 : Jean-Baptiste Campenon , French general and minister of war († 1891 )
- May 5 : Stanisław Moniuszko , Polish composer († 1872 )
- May 6 : Johann Baptist Arbinger , German politician († 1890 )
- May 7 : Otto Wilhelm von Struve , astronomer of German descent († 1905 )
- May 8 : Christian Heinrich Tramm , German architect († 1861 )
- May 15 : Nicola De Giosa , Italian composer and conductor († 1885 )
- May 17 : Heinrich von Abendroth , Saxon lieutenant general and military writer († 1880 )
- May 18 : Julius Hopp German composer, librettist, arranger and translator († 1885 )
- May 18 : Silas Woodson , American politician († 1896 )
- May 19 : Nikolai Wladimirowitsch Adlerberg , Russian count, councilor of state, court chamberlain, governor of Taganrog, Simferopol and administrator of Finland († 1892 )
- May 22 : Richard Lee Turberville Beale , politician, lawyer and Brigadier General of the Confederate († 1893 )
- May 23 : Robert Latane Montague , American politician and lawyer († 1880 )
- May 23 : Tycho Mommsen , German classical philologist and grammar school director († 1900 )
- May 24 : Victoria , Queen of Great Britain († 1901 )
- May 27 : Georg V (Hanover) , last monarch of the Kingdom of Hanover († 1878 )
- May 30 : Constant Fornerod , Swiss politician († 1899 )
- May 31 : Walt Whitman , American poet († 1892 )
- May 31 : William Worrall Mayo , English doctor and chemist († 1911 )
- June 1 : Franz V , Duke of Modena († 1875 )
- June 3 : Anton Maria Anderledy , Swiss Jesuit († 1892 )
- June 3 : Johan Barthold Jongkind , Dutch painter († 1891 )
- June 5 : John Couch Adams , British mathematician († 1892 )
- June 6 : Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke , German physiologist († 1892 )
- June 10 : Gustave Courbet , French painter († 1877 )
- June 17 : Albert Dulk , German free thinker († 1884 )
- June 17 : Rudolf Voltolini , German physician and ENT doctor († 1889 )
- June 20 : Jacques Offenbach , German-French composer († 1880 )
- June 22nd : August Wöhler , German engineer († 1914 )
- June 26 : Juana Paula Manso de Noronha , Argentinian writer, feminist, composer, educator and journalist († 1875 )
- June 27 : Ernst Falkbeer , Austrian chess master († 1885 )
- June 28 : Carlotta Grisi , Italian ballerina († 1899 )
- June 28 : Ilya Stepanowitsch Schumow , Russian chess master and problem composer († 1881 )
- June 30 : William Almon Wheeler , 19th US Vice President († 1887 )
July August
- July 2 : Thomas Anderson , Scottish chemist and medic († 1874 )
- July 2 : Charles-Louis Hanon , French pianist and composer († 1900 )
- July 3 : Louis Théodore Gouvy , German-French composer († 1898 )
- July 4th : John Henry Gurney , English banker and amateur ornithologist († 1890 )
- July 6th : Ignaz Knoblecher , Slovenian missionary in Africa († 1858 )
- July 6 : Meinrad Rahm , Swiss stenographer († 1847 )
- July 10 : Alfred von Arneth , Austrian historian († 1897 )
- July 12 : Charles Kingsley , English Anglican clergyman, theologian and writer († 1875 )
- July 16 : Siegfried Heinrich Aronhold , German mathematician and physicist († 1884 )
- July 19 : Gottfried Keller , Swiss writer and poet († 1890 )
- July 20 : Heinrich Bernhard Oppenheim , German liberal, lawyer, publicist and philosopher († 1880 )
- July 21 : Edouard Girardet , French painter and engraver († 1880 )
- July 23 : Alexis Dumont , German Mayor († 1885 )
- July 25 : Louis Deffès , French composer and music teacher († 1900 )
- July 26 : Justin Holland , American guitarist, composer and music teacher († 1887 )
- August 1 : Sir Augustus Charles Gregory , Australian explorer († 1905 )
- August 1 : Herman Melville , American writer, poet and essayist († 1891 )
- August 6 : Preston Brooks , American politician († 1857 )
- August 9 : William Thomas Green Morton , American doctor, pioneer of anesthesia († 1868 )
- August 11 : Martin Johnson Heade , American painter († 1904 )
- August 12 : George Ezekiel , German journalist and writer († 1874 )
- August 13 : George Gabriel Stokes , Irish mathematician and physicist († 1903 )
- August 14 : Antoine Alfred Agénor de Gramont , French diplomat († 1880 )
- August 17th : Louis Gast , businessman, honorary citizen of Wittenberg († 1882 )
- August 18 : John Durant Ashmore , American politician († 1871 )
- August 19 : Karl Lindemann-Frommel , landscape painter, draftsman, lithographer († 1891 )
- August 22nd : Johann Nepomuk Brischar , German Catholic church historian († 1897 )
- August 25 : Allan Pinkerton , American private investigator († 1884 )
- August 26 : Albert von Sachsen-Coburg and Gotha , husband of Queen Victoria († 1861 )
- August 26 : Hinrich Johannes Rink , Danish geologist and Greenland researcher († 1893 )
- August 29 : Joseph E. McDonald , American politician († 1891 )
September October
- September 4 : Adolf Pichler , Austrian writer and scientist († 1900 )
- September 6 : William Starke Rosecrans , American general († 1898 )
- September 7th : Thomas A. Hendricks , American politician († 1885 )
- September 8 : António Maria de Fontes Pereira de Melo , Portuguese politician and statesman († 1887 )
- September 13 : Clara Schumann , German pianist and composer († 1896 )
- September 15 : Jules Pasdeloup , French conductor († 1887 )
- September 18 : Léon Foucault , French physicist († 1868 )
- September 21 : Louise Marie Thérèse d'Artois , Duchess of Parma († 1864 )
- September 21 : Karl Enslin , school teacher and poet († 1875 )
- September 23 : Armand Hippolyte Louis Fizeau , French physicist († 1896 )
- September 23 : Johann Rudolf Weber , Swiss music teacher and composer († 1875 )
- September 26 : August Boltz , German language expert, language teacher and translator († 1907 )
- September 28 : Narcís Monturiol , Spanish engineer and inventor († 1885 )
- October 3 : Charles-Joseph Coursol , Canadian politician († 1888 )
- October 14 : Eugène Lachat , Swiss Roman Catholic Bishop († 1886 )
- October 14 : Samuel Beach Axtell , American politician († 1891 )
- October 16 : Austin Franklin Pike , American politician († 1886 )
- October 16 : Arnold Dietrich Schaefer , German historian († 1883 )
- October 20 : Sayyid Ali Muhammad al-Bab (Der Bab ), Persian religious founder ( Babismus ) († 1850 )
- October 24 : Nikolai Wladimirowitsch Chanykow , Russian explorer († 1878 )
- October 26 : Emma Wanda von Arbter , Austrian writer († 1858 )
- October 28 : Hans Herzog , Swiss General († 1894 )
- October 31 : James Ponder , American politician († 1897 )
- October 31 : Alexander W. Randall , American politician († 1872 )
November December
- November 1 : John Miller Adye , British general († 1900 )
- November 6 : Jules Rivière , French violinist, bassoonist, conductor and composer († 1900 )
- November 6 : Charles C. Stockley , American politician († 1901 )
- November 9 : Annibale de Gasparis , Italian astronomer († 1892 )
- November 12 : Daniel Sanders , German linguist and lexicographer († 1897 )
- November 13 : Estanislao Figueras , Spanish lawyer and politician († 1882 )
- November 16 : Wilhelm Marr , German journalist († 1904 )
- November 19 : Félix María del Monte , Dominican lawyer, journalist, playwright and poet († 1899 )
- November 20 : Georg Gustav Ludwig August Mylius , German missionary († 1887 )
- November 22 : George Eliot , British writer († 1880 )
- November 23 : Ludwig von Hagn , German painter († 1898 )
- November 27 : Friedrich Eggers , art historian and member of the tunnel over the Spree († 1872 )
- December 1 : Philipp Krementz , German theologian, cardinal and archbishop of Cologne († 1899 )
- December 3 : Abe Masahiro , Japanese politician († 1857 )
- December 3 : Daniel Chwolson , Russian orientalist and archaeologist († 1911 )
- December 16 : Jaroměr Hendrich Imiš , Sorbian Protestant pastor and cultural politician († 1897 )
- December 19 : James Spriggs Payne , Liberian President († 1882 )
- December 21 : Robert Pleasant Trippe , American politician († 1900 )
- December 22nd : Franz Abt , German composer and conductor († 1885 )
- December 23 : Carl Siegmund Franz Credé , German gynecologist and obstetrician († 1892 )
- December 24 : Alexander Faltin , Baltic-German lawyer and liberal politician († 1899 )
- December 24th : Ludwig Foglár , Austrian lawyer and writer († 1889 )
- December 26 : Hermann Blumenau , German pharmacist († 1899 )
- December 30th : Theodor Fontane , German writer († 1898 )
- December 30 : John White Geary , American politician († 1873 )
- December 30 : Ezekiel A. Straw , American politician († 1882 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Adolphe Appian , French landscape painter and etcher († 1898 )
- August Assmann , German entomologist († 1898 )
- Cowper Phipps Coles , British engineer and naval officer († 1870 )
- Anton Leopold Herrmann , Romanian-German composer and church musician († 1896 )
First half of the year
- January 9th : Katharina Pavlovna , daughter of the Russian Tsar (* 1788 )
- January 12 : André Morellet , French economist and writer (* 1727 )
- January 17 : Johann Jakob Meyer , Swiss officer and politician (* 1763 )
- January 18 : Archibald Roane , American politician (* 1760 )
- January 20 : Charles IV , Spanish King (* 1748 )
- January 28 : Johann Karl Wezel , German poet, writer and educator (* 1747 )
- February 4 : Gaspar Smit , Spanish composer and organist (* 1767 )
- February 8 : Johan David Åkerblad , Swedish diplomat, paleographer and orientalist (* 1763 )
- February 16 : Honoré IV. , Prince of Monaco (* 1758 )
- February 16 : Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes , French painter (* 1750 )
- February 17th : Philippe-Louis-Marc-Antoine de Noailles , French politician (* 1752 )
- February 24 : Johann Gottlieb Drasdo , German Lutheran theologian (* 1753 )
- February 25 : Manuel do Nascimento , Portuguese poet and religious (* 1734 )
- March 1 : Raymund Dapp , German theologian (* 1744 )
- March 10 : Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi , German philosopher and writer (* 1743 )
- March 23 : August von Kotzebue , German playwright (* 1761 )
- April 15 : Oliver Evans , American inventor (* 1755 )
- April 16 : Friedrich Valentin , German sculptor (* 1752 )
- April 23 : Alexander Contee Hanson , American politician (* 1786 )
- May 10 : Eli P. Ashmun , American politician (* 1770 )
- May 17 : William Hawkins , American politician (* 1777 )
- May 19 : Casimiro Marcó del Pont , last Spanish governor of Chile (* 1777 )
- May 22nd : Jan Hendrik van Kinsbergen , Dutch admiral (* 1735 )
- June 3 : Jacques Nicolas Billaud-Varenne , French revolutionary (* 1756 )
- June 3 : Manuel del Socorro Rodríguez , Colombian journalist and librarian (* 1758 )
- June 5th : William Cornwallis , English admiral, 1st Marquess Cornwallis (* 1744 )
- June 30 : Ernst Ludwig Gerber , German composer and biographer (* 1746 )
Second half of the year
- July 1 : Levin Winder , American politician (* 1757 )
- July 6th : Sophie Blanchard , French balloonist (* 1778 )
- July 10 : Henrich Becker , East Frisian painter (* 1747 )
- July 16 : Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich von Trebra , Saxon chief miner (* 1740 )
- July 20 : Xaver Hohenleiter , German robber (* 1788 )
- July 29 : Karl Friedrich Gottlob Wetzel , German romantic writer (* 1779 )
- August 14 : Erik Acharius , Swedish botanist and doctor (* 1757 )
- August 15 : Cornelius Hermann von Ayrenhoff , Austrian officer, author (* 1733 )
- August 18 : Johann Conrad Sulzer , Swiss Protestant clergyman (* 1745 )
- August 20 : Daniel Tobenz , Austrian Catholic theologian (* 1743 )
- August 23 : Oliver Hazard Perry , American naval officer (* 1785 )
- August 25 : James Watt , British inventor (* 1736 )
- September 6th : Jiří Družecký , Czech oboist and composer (* 1745 )
- September 12 : Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher , Prussian Field Marshal General (* 1742 )
- September 15 : Johann Georg Edlinger , Austrian painter (* 1741 )
- September 18 : John Langdon , American politician (* 1741 )
- September 20 : José Custódio de Faria , Portuguese priest (* 1756 )
- September 30th : Nicolas Roze , French music teacher and composer (* 1745 )
- October 6 : Charles Emanuel IV , King of Sardinia-Piedmont and Duke of Savoy (* 1751 )
- October 6 : Johann von Klenau , Austrian general (* 1758 )
- October 10 : Gottfried August Arndt , German historian, ethnologist and political scientist (* 1748 )
- October 18 : Franz Xaver Gewey , Austrian civil servant, actor and writer (* 1764 )
- October 24 : William Rabun , American politician (* 1771 )
- October 25 : Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand Solger , aesthetician (* 1780 )
- October 27 : Joseph Carr , American music publisher (* 1739 )
- October 26 : Thomas Johnson , American politician and judge (* 1732 )
- October 31 : Engelbert Arndts , Westphalian lawyer, imperial postmaster and civil servant (* 1750 )
- November 3 : Jonathan Robinson , American politician (* 1756 )
- November 9th : Thomas Lee , American politician (* 1745 )
- November 9th : Simon Snyder , American politician (* 1759 )
- November 11th : Henry Molleston , American politician (* 1762 )
- November 14th : William Samuel Johnson , American politician and one of the founding fathers of the USA (* 1727 )
- November 15 : Daniel Rutherford , Scottish chemist (* 1749 )
- November 21 : Johann Wilhelm Aschenberg , German pastor (* 1769 )
- December 5 : Friedrich Leopold zu Stolberg-Stolberg , German politician and poet (* 1750 )
- December 19 : Henry Latimer , American politician (* 1752 )
- December 21 : Jean Sérurier , French revolutionary general (* 1742 )
- December 22nd : Jean-Pierre de Beaulieu , Austrian general (* 1725 )
- December 24 : Patrick Magruder , American librarian at the Library of Congress (* 1768 )
- December 31 : Anurut , King of Luang Phrabang (* 1737 )
Exact date of death unknown
- Agostino Poli , Italian composer and conductor (* 1739 )
- George Walker , American politician (* 1763 )
Web links
Commons : 1819 - Collection of Pictures, Videos and Audio Files
- Digitized newspapers from 1819 in the newspaper information system (ZEFYS) of the Berlin State Library